Freedom and the political good

I wrote this not long after Obamacare was enacted, but it doesn’t seem to have been published. So here it is.

Freedom and the Political Good

by James Kalb

Recent disputes over the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act have created quite a stir. They have drawn attention not only because of the practical importance … More ...

Remembrance of things past

I haven’t been active on my weblog recently, and have mostly used it for notices of pieces I’ve published elsewhere, but stubborn technical issues in an aging Drupal installation on my home computer finally forced migration to the more user-friendly WordPress platform. Post-migration cleanup involved several hours manually reassigning posts here and there, reminding me … More ...

Why lockstep transgenderism?

The idea behind fanatical transgenderism is that reality is socially constructed, so denying Bruce Jenner is a woman is the same as annihilating the woman Caitlyn Jenner. It’s equivalent to murder, and implicitly to genocide.

But why do respectable people repeat this stuff, which you’d think they know is insane?

For some it has a … More ...

Progressives more crazed than evil

Progressives can simply look evil, because they’re so crazed. But there’s a whole theory of the world behind their views. Otherwise they wouldn’t be developing so uniformly or be so strong among formally educated people.

They believe in truth and righteousness. But it’s the “larger truth” that reflects necessary context: how bad and utterly disqualifying … More ...

Fat cats as progressives

“Left” means social justice, which means that social attitudes and connections are supervised and controlled by the guys at the top. The CEO of Goldman Sachs is a guy at the top.

I suppose someone could say “social justice” also means equality, but the left says all concepts are social constructions, so why wouldn’t the … More ...

Speech is violence

The thought behind the progressive claim that speech is violence is that reality is socially constructed, so denying Bruce Jenner is a woman is the same as annihilating the woman Caitlyn Jenner. It’s equivalent to murder, in principle to genocide. The claim is word magic, possibly primitive, certainly insane.

Christianity in the NWO

What happens to ethnic distinctions in an age of global capitalism and bureaucracy, and of electronic and physical means of communication that destroy distance? What happens to Christianity under such circumstances?

Christianity has always been cosmopolitan in some ways. Saint Thomas ended up in Kerala and Prester John was Central Asian or Ethiopian. But Christianity … More ...

Whiteness conundrums

It’s not clear what exactly “whiteness” means but it’s a broad term. Documents used in official settings have declared merit and objectivity aspects of whiteness. And it’s not clear there’s a distinction between “whiteness” and “Western civilization.” Or between either and “white supremacy.”

How about “European culture” and “European civilization”? Are they also considered illegitimate? … More ...

Thoughts on Ukraine

The battle on the Right over Ukraine is part of a grand battle over civilization and humanity. Is it Eastern barbarism and the Hitler-of-the-week that are the great threats, or is the imperialistically woke and multicultural West the real problem?

The specifics drop out of sight, as they do in American discussions of foreign policy. … More ...

More on cancel culture, from Rome

Nihil sub sole novum:

The busts of twenty most illustrious families were borne in the procession, with the names of Manlius, Quinctius, and others of equal rank. But Cassius and Brutus outshone them all, from the very fact that their likenesses were not to be seen.
