The Old Right and the Recovery of Social Order
The following essay was written for A Paleoconservative Anthology: New Voices for an Old Tradition, edited by Paul Gottfried, but was left out (apparently due to an administrative slip-up—editorial changes, author’s bio etc. had all been agreed on). A slightly revised version will be published in the Australian journal Observer and Review.
… More ...The world, the Gospel, and the Most Real Being
A paper tiger?
Here’s the text of my lecture at the 2024 Roman Forum conference at Lake Garda in Italy:
We have been discussing responses to the inhuman global order now under construction. I will discuss the outlook for that order, and so the environment we will be operating in. I will concentrate on … More ...
Politics without truth
Lies, damn lies, statistics, expert consensus—where and how will it end? I discuss at Catholic World Report.
Tweets and tyrants
Backwards and forwards
What built the West and why it’s sick
I discuss liberalism and the decline of the West on Will Knowland’s Knowland Knows podcast.
Remembering the Right: I discuss Paul Elmer More
I discuss the American New Humanist critic and idiosyncratic Christian apologist on the Chronicles Magazine podcast.