Published in print
Remembering Paul Elmer More
I discuss “New Humanist” literary critic and Christian apologist Paul Elmer More in the December issue of Chronicles Magazine.
Recollections of 9/11
I watched the Towers burn on 9/11 from where I lived, three miles away. At Chronicles Magazine I comment on how it seemed and how it seems.
New York’s new normal
What happens when the big city shuts down? I discuss at Chronicles Magazine.
What civil rights hath wrought
I discuss Christopher Caldwell’s The Age of Entitlement at Chronicles Magazine.
Remembering Robert Nisbet
I consider the legacy of Robert Nisbet at Chronicles Magazine.
Secular nationalism is not enough
Comments on nation-building and religion in ancient lands at Chronicles Magazine.
Why are we here?
My comments on a recent book about Darwinian evolution can be read at Chronicles Magazine.
Worse at what it is
I complain about the direction New York City has been taking in Chronicles Magazine.
The Esolen option
In the current Chronicles I review Tony Esolen’s new book Out of the Ashes.