Pro “gay marriage” and pro-life?

Another correspondent asks whether I think it’s possible to be pro-gay marriage and pro-life: whether logically, rationally, ultimately, the two positions can be reconciled. She had noticed some conservatives going that way.

It seemed to me you could give multiple answers depending on how you took the question:

  • Of course they can be reconciled. You
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Another explanation of the Vatican II debacle

A correspondent forwards the following:

Another problem for which Vatican II was responsible is what one might call the gentrification of Catholic culture. The fact that Europe’s working classes had largely abandoned Catholicism by the late 1950s enabled Vatican II to concentrate on constructing an essentially middle-class model of what it is to be Catholc.

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Merton’s “Unspeakable”

A correspondent sent me the following passages from Raids on the Unspeakable by Thomas Merton:

The Unspeakable. What is this? Surely, an eschatological image. It is the void that we encounter, you and I, underlying the announced programs, the good intentions, the unexampled and universal aspirations for the best of all possible worlds. It is

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Men’s and women’s “starter marriages”

The differences between the sexes I discussed a couple of posts ago come out in the differing uses of “starter husband” and “starter wife.”

Both apparently have their roots in the expression “starter marriage,” which appears in various things women have written about married young/divorced young situations. Most of the commentary (going back … More ...