Older writings

My work has become more visible since I published my first book and then started writing for Catholic publications with a larger readership than the weblogs, quarterlies, and niche European publications that had been my major outlets up till then. I don’t think the concerns and substance have changed much but the presentation probably has. … More ...

alt.revolution.counter FAQ

For several years the following text was distributed monthly on the usenet newsgroup alt.revolution.counter. Distribution was abandoned at some point in 2001, when it seemed that discussions had altogether petered out. So here it is, for old time’s sake:


  1. What is the purpose of alt.revolution.counter?

    The discussion of counterrevolutionary perspectives on

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Anti-gay FAQ

From the standpoint of the liberal public philosophy now generally accepted, the question of homosexuality has an obvious answer—treat it on a par with any configuration of sexual habit and impulse, as something people say they find rewarding and in any case are very reluctant to give up.

The opinion to the contrary that has … More ...

On to Restoration!

Welcome to On to Restoration!, the center on the web for counterrevolutionaries, restorationists, and the unreconstructed. We include reflections on what it’s about and links to discussions, projects and resources. You may also listen to a spoken introduction to our site (requiring RealPlayer).

What is "restoration"?

Bringing back what has been lost, when … More ...

Science, Rationality and the Good


How rational is morality? Are fact and value separate affairs, with modern natural science final authority for one and personal choice for the other? Or are they inseparable aspects of a single complex world that must be understood as such?

Modern understandings of man, the world, politics and morality tend to separate fact and … More ...

Sexual Morality FAQ

Sex is a more contentious topic than ever. The view easiest to articulate in the language of public discussion today is that the only appropriate public standards are that it should be consensual and precautions should be taken to avoid disease and unwanted pregnancy; everything else is a matter of individual choice that others should … More ...

Anti-Inclusiveness FAQ


Social policies promoting inclusiveness have great moral prestige and enjoy powerful political support, Nonetheless, some people oppose them. These questions and answers are intended to present reasons for opposition in a way that depends less on economic considerations than the usual libertarian arguments against coerced association. They concentrate instead on the social and cultural … More ...