Why are we here?
My comments on a recent book about Darwinian evolution can be read at Chronicles Magazine.
thoughts in and out of season
My comments on a recent book about Darwinian evolution can be read at Chronicles Magazine.
I complain about the direction New York City has been taking in Chronicles Magazine.
In the current Chronicles I review Tony Esolen’s new book Out of the Ashes.
I have an (unfavorable) piece on the current papacy in the May issue of Chronicles.
Here’s a talk I gave to the H. L. Mencken Club a couple weeks ago. A shorter version was published at Crisis Magazine.
Social Issues: What, Why and Whither
by James Kalb
Today I’m going to speak about social issues: what they are, why they’re issues, and where they’re going. I’ll include some comments … More ...
I have a piece in the August issue of Chronicles about what’s needed in view of the populist upsurge symbolized by Trump’s rise and most recently Brexit.
I give an explanation of the Trump phenomenon at Chronicles Magazine.
I review Anthony Esolen’s book Life Under Compulsion at Chronicles Magazine.
I have an essay in the current First Things on the current political and social situation and how to respond to it. The whole thing is available here.
[The following review appeared in the December, 2014 issue of Chronicles:]
This is a history of liberalism as it appears to an intelligent, well-informed, and thoroughly convinced English liberal who worked for many years as an editor and correspondent for The Economist. It is useful as a sympathetic exploration of the stages through which the … More ...