The publication of John Lukacs’ new book, “Democracy and Populism”, brings to mind the question of how traditionalist conservatives should view (1) populism and (2) nationalism, topics Lukacs has addressed with some frequency in his writing.
From the perspective of Turnabout, in the realm of politics, is there anything wrong or ill-advised about using populist appeals for traditionalist purposes? In the past, Lukacs has been highly critical of, for example, Buchanan and his projects.
Lukacs distinguishes sharply between patriotism and nationalism, favoring the former and not the latter. As I understand Mr. Kalb’s view, government is to be kept at a minimum, and organized as locally as possible. Is there room for nationalism in our set of ideas? I would call De Gaulle a French nationalist. Would Turnabout object to his apparent understanding of nation and state?
It depends on what the choice
It depends on what the choice is. If I have to choose between populism and rule by various experts and yuppies I’d take populism. These things are mostly a matter of degree. “Populism” might just mean in effect that experts and functionaries shouldn’t get their way all the time without question, and the ordinary common sense of ordinary people ought to have some sort of role. In that case it sounds like a good idea.
The same is true of nationalism. There’s certainly nothing wrong with some amount of it if what that means is that not everything gets absorbed by the UN, EU, NAFTA and various other transnational arrangements. How good these things are depends on how they function and in the world today I think both populism and nationalism have functions. I agree that it would be wrong to make either the ultimate standard for what’s good politically but that’s not the practical issue we’re faced with.
Rem tene, verba sequentur.
I do not see “Turnabout” viewing nationalism as illegitimate
“Is there room for nationalism in our set of ideas?” (—from the forum topic)
In what way would Turnabout-friendly ideas frown on nationalism? They of course don’t in the least insist on nationalism, or even imply it necessarily. But they don’t oppose it. If people should want it, how would Turnabout-style views make it out to be something bad? I don’t see that possibility at all. Nationalism isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, it doesn’t need to be pointed out. It certainly isn’t the élites’ (as a glance at Pres. Bush, Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, and William F. Buckley, Jr. will amply demonstrate). But it is a lot of people’s—I’d say the majority, though they might not all have identical ways of feeling and expressing it.
Long live Flanders!
From 1648 and maybe even toda
From 1648 and maybe even today the nation-state has been the complete and highest social entity, in most cases in charge even of religion. So there’s been a danger that nationalism could become too much of an ism instead of one human connection along with other connections. I don’t think that kind of nationalism is the big danger today though.
Rem tene, verba sequentur.
Last days from America
Fighting to save America and Israel from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
The truth about America and Israel – never seen in the leftist media
Honored to lead the nonviolent human rights struggle for Israel’s right-wing Jewish dissidents
All contributions, including anonymous money orders and cash, greatly appreciated!
Make checks or money orders payable to “JTF” or send anonymous money orders or cash. We do not respond to e-mail addresses.
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Web site for the week of:
March 23-29, 2005 * * * 5765 Adar II 12-18
Updated every Wednesday morning, be-ezrat HaShem (G-d willing)
You shall not stand idly by your brother’s blood. (Leviticus 19:16)
Our latest life-or-death warnings!
The soundtracks of our vital and provocative television programs
I want to hear The Jewish Task Force
I want to hear Take Back America
“The most riveting shows on cable television.”
Michael Musto, E! television network and Village Voice entertainment critic
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Our movement is the only hope for saving America and Israel from Islam,
whose fanatical hatred seeks the destruction of all non-Muslims
Our WTC warning from ten years ago!
In a JTF television program which aired in Manhattan on Sunday, September 11, 1994 – precisely seven years to the day before the horrendous Muslim Nazi attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon – Chaim Ben Pesach explicitly predicted that the Islamic terrorists who bombed the Twin Towers in 1993 would return to finish their bloody work, mercilessly murdering thousands of Americans.
The same JTF program aired in Queens on Tuesday, September 13, 1994, precisely one year after the evil White House handshaking ceremony between Bill Clinton, Yitzchak Rabin and Yasser Arafat.
A prescient broadcast which will send chills up the spine of everyone who hears it!
I want to hear JTF’s terrifying 9/11/94 warning
Note: The JTF mailing address mentioned by Chaim Ben Pesach in our 1994 broadcast is no longer valid. JTF’s mailing address is JTF, POB 650327, FRESH MEADOWS NY 11365. Also, we are not currently broadcasting in Manhattan.
((( No sound? )))
JTF was right from the start!
Never seen in the leftist media or any other source!
Two historic articles on this week’s JTF.ORG web site:
Those Who Desecrate And Those Who Sanctify
Holocaust Victims’ Memory
Black Rapist Murders 4
In Atlanta Court Breakout
Print and xerox JTF.ORG for your friends and relatives – a righteous deed for which G-d will bless you
Those Who Desecrate And Those Who Sanctify
Holocaust Victims’ Memory
Jew-hating world leaders received the red carpet at the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum and memorial in Jerusalem (March 16, 2005)
In Israel, there are self-hating Jews who desecrate the blessed memory of Holocaust victims (March 16, 2005) – After warning an audience at the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum and memorial in Jerusalem that the world must never forget the Holocaust’s lessons, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon met with Egyptian Muslim Nazi dictator Hosni Mubarak and Mahmoud Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen, of the PLO to continue the suicidal dismemberment of the Jewish homeland
In Israel, there are self-hating Jews who desecrate the blessed memory of Holocaust victims.
However, there are also Jewish heroes who sanctify the memory of over 6 million innocent Jews who were brutally murdered by the European Nazis.
The Israeli Bolshevik establishment created the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum and memorial in Jerusalem not to genuinely learn the lessons of the Holocaust, but rather to control the study of the Holocaust so that Jews will not learn its real lessons.
At the recent Yad Vashem ceremonies, self-hating left-wing Jew Shimon Peres greeted Kofi Annan of the corrupt, Jew-hating United Nations
Last week, yet another large memorial was dedicated at the Yad Vashem museum, in yet another huge ceremony attended by dozens of Jew-hating leaders from around the world
who long for another Holocaust.
PLO Muslim terrorist leader Mahmoud Abbas (l.) is a Holocaust denier to whom Ariel Sharon wants to give an independent PLO Muslim terrorist state in the heartland of Biblical Israel
The main speaker at the ceremony was Israeli Bolshevik dictator Ariel Sharon, who told the audience that the world must always remember the lessons of the Holocaust.
The same day, Sharon consulted again with PLO terrorist mass murderer Mahmoud Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen, on how to create an independent PLO terrorist state in Yesha (Judea, Samaria and the Gaza District, which are the heartland of Biblical Israel).
Egyptian Muslim Nazism is no less virulent and anti-Semitic than the Jew-hatred of the German Nazis during the Holocaust – While Israel commemorated the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem memorial in Jerusalem, Jew-hating Muslim terrorist groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad met in Cairo under the auspices of Egyptian Muslim Nazi dictator Hosni Mubarak (inset) to plan a new Holocaust against the Jewish people. (Among the attendees of the Cairo meeting were PLO Muslim terrorist leader Mahmoud Abbas – seated behind the Egyptian flag – and Islamic Jihad terrorist leader Ramadan Shallah.)
Abbas is a Muslim Nazi Holocaust denier who attended Communist Moscow University, where he claimed in his doctoral thesis that the Holocaust is a “Zionist myth.”
While the murder of 6 million Jews in the 1940s is a “Jewish lie,” according to Abbas, PLO terrorist television and radio claim that it is the Jews who committed a holocaust against “millions of Muslim civilians.”
PLO terrorist television and radio – which are completely controlled by Abbas – also hasten to add that “Christian crusader America” has killed “millions of Muslim civilians in Christian crusader-occupied Iraq.”
In his speech at Yad Vashem, Sharon warned the world to remain vigilant against the resurgence of neo-Nazism and anti-Semitism.
The same day, Sharon conferred by telephone with Egyptian Nazi dictator Hosni Mubarak on the Sharon plan to hand over the security of southern Israel to the Egyptian Nazi army.
Even leftist Israeli universities and think tanks that have studied the Egyptian news media – which is completely controlled by Mubarak – have concluded that the daily barrage of Nazi Jew-hatred in the Egyptian media is similar to the level of anti-Semitism that existed in the German Nazi media during the height of the Holocaust.
A female “student” at an Islamic “university” in Hebron waves the Muslim terrorist handbook, the Koran (March 15, 2005) – She was praying for Israel’s destruction and celebrating the life of the Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat, the AIDS-infected pedophile terrorist who was one of the modern age’s truest practitioners of Islam
The Egyptian media openly calls for genocide against the Jewish people, and openly boasts that Sharon’s plan to allow the Egyptian Nazi army to “guard” tiny Israel’s southern border after the Israeli retreat from the entire Gaza District is a major step toward destroying the Jewish homeland.
The self-hating Jewish leftists who run Yad Vashem injected themselves into the debate over Sharon’s suicidal program to surrender the entire Gaza District and northern Samaria to the PLO terrorists in July 2005. Yad Vashem publicly condemned Yesha pioneers who wear orange stars of David as a reminder of the yellow stars of David that European Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust.
The Yesha Jews wear the orange stars because they are being forcibly expelled from their homes just as European Jews were.
The Yad Vashem Stalinists have given special guided tours of the Holocaust museum to Jew-haters like Kofi Annan of the corrupt, Jew-hating United Nations – Annan is seen at left meeting Israel’s Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom during the recent Yad Vashem dedication ceremony; at right, the black African Jew-hater pays his respects in Ramallah at the tomb of the AIDS-infected pedophile Muslim terrorist Yasser Arafat
The Yad Vashem Bolsheviks had the chutzpah (gall) to say that using Holocaust symbols in the struggle to prevent Israeli national suicide is a desecration of the memory of Holocaust victims.
But when the Yad Vashem Stalinists gave special guided tours of the museum to such Nazi Jew-haters as Egyptian Nazi dictator Anwar Sadat, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Jesse Jackson – even though all of these vicious Jew-haters have worked to perpetrate another Holocaust, this time against Israeli Jewry – it is not a desecration of the memory of Holocaust victims.
Indeed, Sharon’s behavior as Prime Minister, in which he acts precisely like the Judenrat – the European Jews who collaborated with the German Nazi mass murderers – is also not a desecration of the memory of the Holocaust victims, according to the Yad Vashem Bolsheviks.
Holocaust victims of the German Nazi death camp at Auschwitz
Egomaniacal sewage Jascha Heifetz as a child prodigy – Born in Russia, he was called a “Mozart of the violin,” the greatest instrumentalist of the past century
However, as we mentioned in the beginning, there are also Jewish heroes in Israel who sanctify the memory of the over 6 million innocent Jews who were murdered in cold blood.
Last month, the evil Bolshevik newspaper Haaretz made a stunning revelation about a famous Holocaust-related incident which took place in the 1950s.
Jascha Heifetz, the world’s best-known violinist, had come to Israel to play music written by notorious German Nazi composers – including the head of the infamous Berlin Philharmonic, who personally organized annual concerts from 1933 to 1945 in honor of German
Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. Hitler was the main guest at the Satanic concerts and the music was
composed in his honor.
Egomaniacal sewage Jascha Heifetz (l.) was a vile self-hating Jew who saw nothing wrong with playing demonic German Nazi music – Heifetz insisted on playing the compositions of German Nazi Reich Music Chamber President Richard Strauss (r.), the official head of the Third Reich’s music culture bureaucracy before and during the Holocaust
Adolf Hitler and his musical flunky Richard Strauss – Strauss is seated second from the left; Hitler is in the lower right-hand corner
Like most Jewish musicians, actors, artists and other egomaniacal sewage, Heifetz was a vile self-hating Jew who saw nothing wrong with playing music written by German Nazi demons who brutally massacred over 6 million Jewish men, women and children.
Heifetz’s concert created great controversy in Israel. German Nazi death camp survivors bitterly condemned Heifetz.
Jascha Heifetz in a playful mood – He was not so “playful” after Noam Federman’s father smashed his arm on a Jerusalem street, convincing him not to continue performing the music of German Nazi composer and conductor – and Hitler henchman – Richard Strauss
However, Heifetz was strongly supported by the Israeli Bolshevik news media and by Israel’s first Bolshevik dictator, David Ben Gurion.
Another Hitler musical flunky was Wilhelm Furtwangler, who “never gave the Nazi salute in public” – In large part because “he never gave the Nazi salute in public,” Nazi German conductor and composer Wilhelm Furtwangler was pardoned after World War II for complicity in the crimes of the Nazis. Among his Jewish defenders was “Lord” Yehudi Menuhin, a self-hating American Jew granted entry to the British peerage. Furtwangler’s recordings include ones of Beethoven symphonies conducted in 1943, at the height of the Holocaust
Then, one evening after his arrival in Israel, Heifetz decided to take a stroll on the streets of Jerusalem.
Suddenly, he was attacked by a Jew shouting, “Judenrat traitor! Six million! Never again!”
An unrepentant German Nazi orchestral conductor who joined the Nazi Party not once but twice – and who died decades later as the richest classical musician in history, worth an incredible $500 million – Herbert von Karajan joined the Nazi Party on April 8, 1933, one day after a Nazi civil service law banned Jews from state posts, and reenlisted on May 1, 1933, one day before a freeze on new membership. Thereupon rising rapidly in an intellectual community from which all Jewish competition was absent, he proudly led oratorios in praise of Hitler, celebrated German Nazi military victories and routinely opened his concerts with a Nazi anthem boasting that “Jewish blood spurts from our knives.” After the war, Karajan was lionized in Germany despite – or rather because of – his Nazi past and despite the fact that he was repeatedly caught lying to cover it up. (Karajan conducted fellow Hitler flunky Richard Strauss’ tone poem Death and Transfiguration.)
The Jew beat Heifetz with an iron bar and injured his right arm seriously enough so that he had to be hospitalized.
Before the incident, Heifetz had already played in concerts held in several Israeli cities music written by the notorious German Nazi Reich Music Chamber President Richard Strauss, the official head of the Third Reich’s music culture bureaucracy before and during the Holocaust.
Adolf Hitler and Herman Goering at performances of German Nazi opera, composed or conducted by Richard Strauss – Intellectuals like Strauss lent credence to German Nazi propaganda that Nazism was “a good thing for Germany” and that the world had nothing to fear from, and could still admire, German culture. (Hitler attended Strauss’s The Day of Peace in 1939; in 1938, Goering took in Beethoven’s Fidelio.)
After the attack, someone anonymously called Kol Yisrael (Voice of Israel) radio and warned: “This is ‘The Hebrew Youth’ – inform Heifetz that if he wants to save his left hand, he should leave Israel immediately.”
Being a typical Jewish coward, Heifetz did not play the Nazi music at his next performance. When his right arm began to hurt, Heifetz canceled his tour and ran home to his luxury estate in Beverly Hills, California.
“The apple does not fall far from the tree” (March 17, 2005) – In Gush Katif of the Gaza District, heroic young Yesha pioneers surrounded an elderly one during a mass prayer rally against Israel’s policy of suicidal surrender to Arab Muslim Nazi terrorism
Heifetz did not return to Israel until 1970, seventeen years later.
Last month, after an extensive renewed investigation by Haaretz and the Israeli police, it was revealed that the Jew who beat and injured the traitor Heifetz was the father of Noam Federman, the spiritual leader of the heroic Hilltop Youth.
A hot topic of conversation in the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) cafeteria is Noam Federman’s weekly JTF.ORG broadcasts, which are accessed by the highest members of Israel’s left-wing government – In the photograph, self-hating Jews Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, Shimon Peres and Silvan Shalom applaud German President Horst Koehler, whose February 2, 2005 speech in the Knesset was the first address ever delivered there in the German language
“The Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree” was the headline in Haaretz, in reference to how Noam has continued in his father’s footsteps.
Meanwhile, Bolshevik Israeli radio reported last week that one of the new hot topics of conversation in the cafeteria of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) is Noam Federman’s stirring weekly internet program that airs in the Hebrew section of JTF.ORG.
Israeli Cabinet ministers and Knesset members listen each week to see whom Noam will attack this time, and what new advice he is giving to the Hilltop Youth activists who are leading the struggle against Sharon’s evil expulsion program.
Whose side are you on in this historic battle to save the Land of Israel?
Praying for another Holocaust (March 17, 2005) – Arab Muslim Nazi terrorists at their Arab Muslim Nazi terrorist prayers
Self-hating Jewish leftists like Ariel Sharon and the officials of Yad Vashem, or courageous Jewish patriots like Noam Federman and the Hilltop Youth?
The choice is yours.
JTF supports the political activities of the Hilltop Youth and the Chayil Party, and therefore is not tax-deductible.
The Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA) is strictly non-political. It supports the educational efforts and the humanitarian needs of the Hilltop Youth and right-wing Jewish dissidents and therefore is tax-deductible.
Your generous checks and money orders made out to “VJA” can be sent to:
An Arab Muslim Nazi terrorist, a member of Mahmoud Abbas’ Muslim terrorist Fatah (Conquest) party (March 17, 2005)
POB 650327
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
We need loyal, idealistic, Torah-true Jews to lead the struggle against the traitor Sharon’s suicidal retreat.
We have the Torah-true leaders and we have the thousands of young idealists. But they need more money to conduct such a huge and sophisticated campaign.
In the historic struggle for Israel’s survival, this is the moment of truth.
Which is why we strongly urge our many loyal readers – both Jews and righteous Gentiles – to immediately do the following four things:
A heroic Yesha pioneer mother prays with her child in Gush Katif of the Gaza District (March 17, 2005)
First, if you are a wealthy Jew or a wealthy righteous Gentile, and you have wealthy friends and associates, you can hold a fundraising cocktail party for JTF (which is political but not tax-deductible) or VJA (which is tax-deductible and non-political). Even if you are not wealthy – but have wealthy friends and associates – you can organize a cocktail party. If you wish to hold a cocktail party, please contact us.
Second, make out a generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) to “JTF” or “VJA” and send it out right away. If you prefer, you can also mail a cash donation.
Third, zealously spread the word about the JTF.ORG web site. Posting portions of JTF.ORG on popular internet message boards is especially effective. We do get many new hits when we are posted.
Fourth, please remember to include the “Jewish Task Force (JTF)” and/or the “Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA)” in your will.
Become an army of one!
Entertainment critic
Michael Musto
Make sure that Internet users hungry for an uncompromising right-wing message are aware of JTF’s exciting and informative television broadcasts, which even Michael Musto, the well-known entertainment critic of the left-wing Village Voice and E! television network, called the “most riveting shows on cable television.” Post links to our audio files on new and different message boards weekly. Cyberspace is filled with tens of thousands of message boards, each with its own loyal following, and each of our technically adept supporters should continually expose us to fresh audiences by posting our links on new and different boards weekly.
The best way to post our audio files is simply to supply “live” links to the full URL (Internet address) of each of our two weekly shows – “Take Back America” and “Jewish Task Force” – and our truly riveting September 11, 1994 broadcast:
Note that the URLs of our weekly shows change weekly, reflecting the Wednesday dates of our postings. If you are unsure of which dates to use, simply look at the links on our web site. And please make the link text identical to the URL, not referenced to a phrase like “JTF” or “The Jewish Answer” – in other words, your links should look exactly like the ones shown above. (The loudspeaker icons are optional.) Referencing the URL link to the identical URL text will ensure that if for some technical reason, your links are not “live” on the message board, interested persons will still be able to find us in cyberspace.
G-d demands deeds, not mere words
It is worthless to agree with the views expressed by JTF without following through with action. G-d demands deeds, not mere words.
It is imperative that good Jews and righteous Gentiles who care about the future of America and Israel zealously spread the word about JTF.ORG. Promote it among your friends, relatives and acquaintances and convince them to do likewise. Promote it on internet message boards, in chat rooms, through faxes and e-mails and on radio talk shows. And promote it in your religious institutions, organizations and clubs.
G-d will bless you for standing with the forces of uncompromising righteousness and truth
Remember JTF in your will!
The desire for truth and justice should be the burning passion of all Jews and righteous Gentiles. Which is why all Jews and righteous Gentiles should remember JTF when preparing their estates. Placing “JTF” in your will enshrines your eternal commitment to the cause of righteousness.
If you need help including JTF in your will, please feel free to contact us
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times?
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times? – The brilliant screenwriter or co-screenwriter of Scarface, The Front Page, Monkey Business, Twentieth Century, Hurricane, The Prisoner of Zenda, Nothing Sacred, A Star Is Born, Gunga Din, Stagecoach, Wuthering Heights, Gone With the Wind, Foreign Correspondent, His Girl Friday, Lifeboat, Spellbound, Notorious, The Thing, Strangers On a Train, Roman Holiday, Guys and Dolls, Some Like It Hot, The Man With the Golden Arm and hundreds of other films, Jewish hero Ben Hecht (1893-1965) was known as the “Hollywood Shakespeare” but made a far greater mark on the world, and enshrined his name forever in the annals of Jewish history, when he raised millions of dollars for the Irgun Tzvai Leumi, the heroic Jewish freedom fighters who blew the British out of the land of Israel and resurrected the Jewish homeland after 2,000 years of interregnum. Hecht’s courageous and highly controversial financial support enabled the Irgun – outnumbered 100 to 1 – to vanquish, in the most spectacular revolt of modern history, the 100,000 British soldiers who illegally occupied the Holy Land.
If JTF were on national television or radio in America and Israel, imagine how the world would change for the better! In Israel, Torah truth and justice would finally reign supreme. And in the United States, the sleeping giant of American patriotism would finally be aroused. Our huge audience would inspire a genuine right-wing movement, making it impossible for frauds like George Bush and Ariel Sharon to pass themselves off as “conservatives” and “right-wingers.” We would save America and Israel from the abyss of Muslim Nazi and Third World oblivion, and we would thwart the effort to destroy American and Israeli sovereignty.
For our glorious dream to come true, JTF needs millions of dollars to pay for air time on national television or radio.
If you are the Ben Hecht of our generation, a wealthy Jew or righteous Gentile who correctly recognizes JTF as a historic force to save America and Israel, please feel free to contact us immediately.
Black Rapist Murders 4
In Atlanta Court Breakout
Black rapist and mass murderer Brian Nichols
Among the victims of the Brian Nichols rampage was Superior Court Judge Rowland Barnes, whose widow mourned his passing
The murder of four people in Atlanta during the violent escape from custody of black rapist Brian Nichols demonstrates why America’s very survival is in such grave jeopardy. The “politically correct” behavior surrounding the life of Nichols, and ultimately leading to his mass murder rampage, should alarm all who care about the future of this once great nation.
Blacks commit the vast majority of violent crime in the United States – Rival gangs of black criminals battle in broad daylight on a Los Angeles street
First, we must point out that the vast majority of murders and rapes in America are committed by blacks, even though they make up only 13% of the total population.
The future of America?
When blacks become the dominant force in a society, the statistics become even more horrific: a majority of black females in South Africa are raped before they reach the age of 30.
A majority of black females in South Africa are raped before they reach the age of 30 – A recent South African “beauty” contest featured contestants who were all infected with the deadly AIDS virus, which is spreading like wildfire on the Dark Continent
Here in America, we witness the same pattern of violent criminality that is so prevalent in Africa: most black men in America will develop a criminal record in their lifetime.
Most blacks do not choose to lead decent lives even when given every possible advantage – Black criminal and rap “musician” Ice-T began life as Tracy Marrow, who led a gang of “smash-and-grab” jewel thieves while posing for his high school yearbook
Brian Nichols was given all of the advantages that “politically correct” white society provides to blacks in the United States.
Nichols was given a full college scholarship as an “affirmative action” student. Since very few whites receive a full college scholarship these days – even if they are geniuses – Nichols was given something worth a great deal solely because of his race.
Most blacks do not choose to lead decent lives even when given every possible advantage – Black criminal and rap “musician” Ice-T (r.) has an apologist in prominent self-hating Jewish television producer Dick Wolf, responsible for the politically correct abomination of Law & Order
While at college, Nichols became a linebacker on the football team. Again, everything was being handed to him for free.
However, as we see from the statistics on violent crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, AIDS infection and illegitimacy, most blacks do not choose to lead decent lives even when given huge advantages over whites.
For example, more than two-thirds of all black babies born in America are illegitimate. The overwhelming majority of black men abandon their own babies.
Most blacks do not choose to lead decent lives even when given every possible advantage – Black rapist Mike Tyson was celebrated by white left-wing “intellectual” Joyce Carol Oates as a figure of almost mythic strength and heroism in her tract, On Mike Tyson. (It is not known if Tyson produced any work on Oates.)
“Affirmative action” black criminal violence is now a fact of life on America’s college campuses (March 14, 2005) – After a campus party in which a female student was “shoved around” by a pair of Boston College athletes, they were forced to flee a gang of vengeful gunmen by jumping out of their dormitory window and hiding in some nearby bushes
Nichols chose to lead a life of predatory sexual violence so common in the black community. As a result, he was arrested and charged with violent rape.
In his first rape trial, a predominately black Atlanta jury almost acquitted him. The jurors voted 10 to 2 to find Nichols not guilty.
The Fulton County (Atlanta) prosecutor decided to retry Nichols on the rape charge.
Brian Nichols in chains for his arraignment on charges of mass murder
Black crime is now so commonplace in the United States that none but the very worst incidents receive more than local attention – Houston criminals Joseph Fontenot and Carlos Mendez, both of whom have pregnant girlfriends, were arrested in February 2005 after a months-long rampage in which they robbed and sexually assaulted at gunpoint at least four helpless victims, including a male Asian
While being transported from the Fulton County jail to the courtroom, Nichols was stopped in a backroom of the courthouse so that the sheriff’s deputy transporting him could take his handcuffs off.
Under the rules in virtually all of America’s courts, defendants must have their handcuffs removed before entering the courtroom so that the jury will not see the defendants handcuffed. If the jury sees the defendants handcuffed, the reasoning goes, the jury will no longer presume that the defendants are innocent until proven guilty.
To have such a rule apply to defendants who are charged with violent crime is truly insane.
Nichols was alone in the backroom of the courthouse with a single sheriff’s deputy.
Cynthia Hall is a 5’2″, 51-year-old grandmother who was easily overpowered by black rapist and mass murderer Brian Nichols
In another example of “political correctness,” the sheriff’s deputy was a small woman named Cynthia Hall. Since it would be “sexist” to suggest that a small woman cannot handle a large, dangerous defendant, Hall was assigned to transport Nichols from the Fulton County jail to the courtroom all by herself.
Hall is a 5’2″, 51-year-old grandmother. Nichols is a 6’1″, 200-pound former college football player.
Atlanta’s leading law enforcement figures are lazy, incompetent “affirmative action” race preference appointees – They include (from l. to r.) Atlanta Police Chief Richard Pennington, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard and Fulton County Sheriff Myron Freeman
As soon as Hall removed Nichols’ handcuffs – as the law requires – Nichols beat and knocked Hall down and stole her gun. Hall was left lying critically injured in the backroom of the courthouse as Nichols raced into the courtroom with her gun.
Hall is still in critical condition in the hospital as of the date when this web site was prepared.
“Political correctness” was also responsible for the other great failure in the court security system: there were supposed to be two armed security guards watching on the television monitor of a video camera everything that takes place in the backroom of the courthouse where Hall removed Nichols’ handcuffs.
But the two “affirmative action” court security guards did not do their job of watching on the video camera monitor. Indeed, they were not even in the video camera monitor room when Nichols attacked Hall.
Rodney King – Now a multimillionaire heavily invested in the murderous black rap “music” industry, the reckless and brutal King has been arrested several times for drunk driving and spousal battery – wife beating – after his notorious 1991 encounter with the LAPD. (During a recent interview, King, ranging in mood from triumphant to sullen, remarked that “I’m a ‘Can’t we all just get along?’ guy” and that his notoriety had put “an unfair price on my life.”)
Will these two lazy, incompetent “affirmative action” guards be prosecuted, or at least fired, for dereliction of duty? Probably not, especially since the Atlanta Police Commissioner and other key Atlanta law enforcement officials are also lazy, incompetent “affirmative action” appointees.
Using the gun he took from Hall, Nichols ran into the courtroom and shot to death Superior Court Judge Rowland Barnes and court reporter Julie Brandau.
As he fled the courthouse, Nichols then shot to death sheriff’s deputy Hoyt Teasley.
To escape through the streets of Atlanta, Nichols engaged in several carjackings.
In one carjacking, Nichols murdered U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent David Wilhelm, his fourth murder victim.
A black heroin addict “shoots up”
in a filthy “shooting gallery”
Laziness, incompetence, corruption and criminality are rampant wherever “affirmative action” racial preference blacks are put in charge of anything – In June 2003, a gang of black prison guards and other staff were arrested at New York City’s Rikers Island jail for supplying drugs to inmates in exchange for sex and money. One drug dealer (l.) worked in the jail as a drug counselor. An inmate’s visiting female relative (r.), asked in the jail parking lot about the arrests, laughed cynically and said of the population: “Yeah, they got drugs.”
When will the American people wake up and realize that they are losing their country to a “politically correct” madness? When will American patriots finally decide to save their country from the suicidal lunacy of our traitor leaders?
JTF wants to help organize a potent movement of right-wing righteous Gentiles in America, similar to the strong right-wing Jewish youth movement that we have succeeded in building in Israel.
For the sake of America, Israel and Western civilization, we hope and pray that we can motivate G-d-fearing American patriots to act.
In your heart, you know we’re right. And in your guts, you know they’re nuts.
Every generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) made out to “JTF” (which is political and not tax-deductible)
or to “VJA” (which is fully tax-deductible and non-political) makes a huge difference. You can also send cash donations if you wish.
Do not depend on others to do your part! G-d only blesses those who do their own part!
May G-d bless all of our loyal supporters and their loved ones.
Armed with the truth, we can save the Jewish homeland!
What the Bible
really says about
surrendering Jewish land
How to stop
the Bolshevik elite
from surrendering Israel
How Israel won
her greatest victories
by defying U.S. pressure
What Bolshevik
brainwashing has
done to Israeli Jews
There is no
(Part 1 of 2)
There is no
(Part 2 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 1 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 2 of 2)
There are no
Arab “moderates”
(Part 1 of 2)
There are no
Arab “moderates”
(Part 2 of 2)
the real
Ariel Sharon
Saving the
Gaza District
will save Israel
Sharon’s Likud
victory proves
Feiglin is wrong
Avigdor Lieberman
urges Israeli surrender
Who will
lead against
Ariel Sharon?
Abbas and
PLO continue
Arafat’s Nazi terror
The traitors
who run the
Yesha Council
A Jewish hero
Adir Zik
Sharon’s plan:
Yesha Jews
JTF hopes to build a righteous right-wing Gentile movement!
Hilltop Youth
to save America
The 2008
election disaster
Muslims threatens
America’s survival
Help free the Jewish hero from house arrest!
Noam Federman is a Jewish dissident whom Israel’s Bolshevik authorities brutally imprisoned for nine months solely because of his popularity and right-wing views. No charges were ever filed against him. Now, Noam is under highly restrictive house arrest to stop him from convincing Israeli Jews not to commit national suicide.
End the anti-democratic persecution of Jewish hero Noam Federman!
Please do the following three things to protect Noam Federman’s human rights:
Fax or e-mail Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
demanding an end to Federman’s unjust and anti-democratic house arrest.
Fax or e-mail Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz
who ordered Federman’s original imprisonment and can end his disgraceful house arrest.
Send a generous check, money order or cash donation to “JTF” to help us free Federman.
Ariel Sharon’s fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
Shaul Mofaz’s fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
I want to e-mail Ariel Sharon
([email protected])
I want to e-mail Shaul Mofaz
([email protected])
* If you are not faxing from the U.S. or Canada, find your outgoing (IDD) international prefix HERE
(For example, dial 0015-972-2566-4838 from Australia or 00-972-2566-4838 from the UK)
Keep your messages cogent but brief – no more than a few sentences – and firm but polite
If you are not Jewish, please say so in your messages to Sharon and Mofaz
Protests from non-Jews on this subject are especially effective
Some day, G-d will ask all of us what we did to stop this horrific miscarriage of justice
What will your answer be?
Tell America to stop funding Muslim nuclear terrorism!
The Iranian Muslim terrorist nuclear reactor at Bushehr
Please send the following urgent e-mail
to America’s political leaders and news media:
Every drop of oil that we import from Muslim terrorist regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Iran helps to finance the development of nuclear weapons that will someday murder millions of Americans. We should immediately open ANWR to oil drilling. And the Bush Administration should immediately approve oil and gas exploration in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve. The U.S. must begin an emergency crash program to achieve energy independence through a massive expansion in the use of clean coal, shale, natural gas, domestic oil and nuclear power. We must also begin an emergency crash program to develop cars and other motor vehicles that do not use gasoline. (For more information, please see the JTF.ORG web site.)
Make your voice heard! All influential people read their e-mail!
If using your own words, be very brief! Only brief e-mails are actually read!
(See below for the necessary e-mail addresses)
How JTF would save America and Israel!
POINT ONE: A ferocious retaliation against all Muslim nations which have in any way aided or abetted terrorism against American citizens.
POINT TWO: The immediate destruction by the American or Israeli military of all Muslim nuclear reactors, plants and laboratories developing nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons of mass destruction.
POINT THREE: Total energy independence for America through a crash development program funded in the defense budget as a vital national security priority.
POINT FOUR: An immediate end to all U.S. foreign aid, even to a genuine friend and ally like Israel, which is harmed rather than helped by her counterproductive dependency on America’s addictive welfare handouts.
POINT FIVE: An immediate end to all foreign immigration into the United States, combined with the complete expulsion of America’s millions of illegal aliens and the stringent removal of her legal ones at the expiration of their work or residency visas.
POINT SIX: An immediate recognition by the United States of little Israel’s G-d-given right and obligation to assert full and permanent sovereign control over all sacred Jewish Biblical lands, including Judea, Samaria, the Gaza District, the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem.
POINT SEVEN: An immediate withdrawal from the fanatically anti-American United Nations (UN) and all organizations directly or indirectly affiliated with it, and the immediate banning of all UN-related activities on American soil.
Spread the truth about the Muslim Koran!
Distribute JTF’s flyer, quoting the “peaceful” Muslim Koran, to all patriotic Americans
I want to distribute JTF’s Koran quotes flyer
(The link opens a new window, where you can click the “Print” button or “File > Print > OK”)
Read Islam’s terrorist bible for yourself!
Read the Koran in its own words, translated into English by Muslims
I want to read the Koran in its own words
I want to read the Koran by topic
Read the Koran!
Over 200,000 Queens cable viewers!
We have two different evening programs and two different afternoon programs
Evenings: Afternoons:
Spread the word!
All influential people read their e-mail!
E-mail opinion-makers at least once weekly
Always encourage them to visit the JTF.ORG web site
Mention our fight against Islam and other deadly threats
Come straight to the point
Write only a few lines on only one topic at a time
Send no carbon copies (“spam”)
Use catchy, sensible subject (“re:”) lines
Avoid all threats, insults and obscenities
E-mail media personalities!
Bill O’Reilly
[email protected]
Sean Hannity
[email protected]
Greta Van Susteren
[email protected]
Brit Hume
[email protected]
John Gibson
[email protected]
Pat Robertson
700 Club
G. Gordon Liddy
[email protected]
Michael Savage
[email protected]
Chris Ruddy
David Limbaugh
Cal Thomas
[email protected]
Charles Krauthammer
[email protected]
Always urge talk show hosts to invite JTF’s Chaim Ben Pesach to their programs
E-mail media outlets!
The New York Post ([email protected])
The Washington Times ([email protected])
The New York Daily News ([email protected])
The [Manchester, NH] Union Leader ([email protected])
The Jewish Press ([email protected])
E-mail the White House!
President George Bush
([email protected])
Vice President Dick Cheney
([email protected])
E-mail your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative!
(The above links will take you to official U.S. Senate and U.S. House web pages, where you can write your e-mails.)
You can also mail or phone the White House and your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1111 The Honorable _____*
U.S. Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3121 The Honorable _____**
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 224-3121
* Insert the full name of either of your U.S. Senators. ***** ** Insert the full name of your U.S. Representative.
Remember always to keep it very brief! Only brief messages are actually read!
Fighting to save America and Israel
from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
interesting synopsis of Lukacs’ new book: Here.
I favor populism!
One thing I cant stand among many Traditionalists is their staunch elitism. Elites have actually been the originators and allies of the social revolution. Tradition is often more manifested in the common man. Hence why Im a populist. I stand in the footsteps of men like William Cobbett, GK Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc, etc.
but I’m not sure it’s so clear-cut as that…
… the masses seem to have a gut-level conservatism on some matters, e.g. the death penalty, gay rights issues, etc.; on the other hand, who are, far and away, the biggest consumers of degraded, immoral forms of entertainment, be it porn, professional wrestling, music celebrating immoral lifestyles, etc.? Those same masses…
So, I tend to view the masses as inspiringly conservative in some ways, and distressingly liberal in others…
I’d wager they’re more conservative than the elites, though, on balance… Very few elites exhibit the sort of bedrock conservatism that the masses do…
Well my positions are shaped by my heritage
Well perhaps my positions on this question have largely been molded by own Ukrainian heritage, which upholds a staunch belief in the common man as opposed to the exploitive elites. This was a common theme in the poetry of Shevchenko for example. This largely derives from the fact that the Ukrainian nobility were often the first ones to sell out the Ukrainian people to foreign powers, like the Poles and Russians. Over time they even adopted their culture(much like how globalist elites today adopt American pop-culture). So the bedrock of Ukrainian culture and nationhood always rested on the traditions of the common people and it was from here that Ukrainian intellectuals drew their strength and inspiration from.
ah, I see…
for my part, I see the elites as usually more depraved than the masses, and the masses as having some very conservative habits of mind, yet surveying the contemporary scene in North America, I see much liberalism infecting the people as well as those who rule them, and I can’t make up my mind who I identify with more…
He was Uniata or Orthodox?. What it was the influence from Panslavism in his work?. A dialogue between you and Joanna Nejfeld,who it appears is inclinated toward the myth from Poland as a Suffering Country,the Slavic Messianism;can be very interesting.
He was Orthodox. I dont belie
He was Orthodox. I dont believe he was too much of a Pan-Slavist, since he intensely disliked both Russians and Poles. He did work with the Pan-Slavic Brotherhood of Cyril and Methodius.
I really dont know who this Joanna Nejfeld is.
Revolt of the Elites
Has anybody read Christopher Lasch’s book The Revolt of the Elites? It’s certainly a book that has much relevance to this question, how the cosmopolitan elites of the world have cut off their ties to their own particular culture and society and push their own self-serving agenda on the rest of society.
Good article reflecting much of my view
A speech by Kenneth J. Schmidt concerning this matter titled Populist Nationalism Developing Across the Western World
What are the reasons for the rise of a populist-tinged nationalism? In the so-called western world, a great rift has developed between the ordinary people and the elites that rule over them.
The fact that elites and the common people have always had different worldviews is a given. I contend, however, that never in the history of European civilization has there been such a large gap in the way our elites see the world and how the common folk see the world. The historian and social thinker Christopher Lasch had a term for this, he called it a “Revolt of the Elites.†The people that rule over us—the big business managerial elite, the media barons, the Zionists and the Manhattan intelligencia—adhere to values that are strongly at variance with those of working and middle-class whites.
The elites do not believe in concepts like national sovereignty and divine providence, but the common folk do. It should be noted that the establishment often exploits the beliefs of the American people by twisting them for the sake of their own nefarious ends. For example, the Bush Administration shamelessly exploited the notion of patriotism after September 11th, even though George Jr. is a strong believer in one world government.