I achieve eminence!

Because of the Internet, things I’ve written get picked up on occasion and republished one place or another. I never dreamed, though, that two early twentieth century political scientists, Raymond Garfield Gettel and William Archibald Dunning, would return from the dead—in India, of all places—to include three of my pieces in a book of essential conservative readings that’s part of a multivolume Encyclopaedia of Political Ideologies. So remember: no matter how things look, what you read here is authoritative!

2 thoughts on “I achieve eminence!”

  1. Our side’s truth is going to start to blow the lid off things.
    Well, at least we can say Professors Gettel and Dunning have shown excellent judgement from beyond the grave: Jim Kalb’s essay “Anti-racism” is MUST reading. It will still be read fifty years from now as a classic piece of analytical commentary on one of the most bizarre and pernicious socio-political pathologies to emerge from World War II’s aftermath. Read the essay here: http://www.cycad.com/cgi-bin/pinc/apr2000/articles/jk_antiracism.html . It consists of bedrock foundational ideas and analysis for our side. To see the essay’s power, look at a paragraph chosen at random:

    “Life worth living depends on culture, and culture on ethnicity. Without the common habits and understandings that constitute culture society would be a battleground of brutish asocial individuals. The seedbed for culture is the complex of prerational connections a people develops through long common history — in other words, ethnicity. While ethnicity and race are not the same, they cannot be altogether separated because both are consequences of a people’s long life in common. Since all actual cultures are tied to ethnicity, and therefore at least somewhat to race, to give culture free play is to permit race to have significance.”

    The whole piece from start to finish is on this same level of eye-opening originality, penetration, and excellence.


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