Michael Burleigh’s new book on the French Revolution.

I’m wondering if anyone has read or is reading Michael Burleigh’s new book on the French Revolution and the modern political religions, entitled _Earthly Powers_. I’ve started reading it and it so far is pretty good, detailing the atrocities committed in the name of “reason” by the revolutionists. Burleigh builds upon the theories of Erik … More ...

Amazon.com deletes right wing reviews!

Does anyone else ever post reviews for some of the new books available on amazon.com? One thing I’ve noticed is that they delete right wing reviews. I recently posted a review for the new book by Paul Gottfried THE STRANGE DEATH OF MARXISM, and within a week it was deleted from their system. Amazon.com is … More ...

Nesta Webster’s Theories.

I’m wondering what people think of the theories of Nesta Webster regarding the French Revolution and the role of secret societies in the rise of revolutionary thought. Webster actually traces the modern crisis back to prehistoric times, tracing the development of secret societies from the first temptation of Eve in the Garden to the formation … More ...