Betty Friedan, a founder and giant of the U.S. “Feminist” movement, dead at 85

Betty Friedan has died at 85 of congestive heart failure. (If the linked four-page ABC News obituary won’t proceed page-by-page, click on “next” instead of the page number.)

Probably there’s not a Turnabout regular who couldn’t write a twenty-page comment on this woman’s career and significance so I won’t try to put in my “two … More ...

Italian writer files suit against priest for, in effect, being Catholic. Defendant must appear in court later this month.

Paul Belien has a log entry up today in which he cites a few of the latest instances of the post-modern attack on Christianity by Europe’s élites:

A Swedish jeans manufacturer calls religion “a force of evil” and has designed a jeans brand with an anti-Christian logo: “Bjorn Atldax has designed a jeans brand … More ...

It looks as if patience is close to running out and the worldwide Anglicans are likely to split

[The worldwide Anglican Church is going to split. The liberals have dug in their heels and conservatives have had just about enough. Apparently more of a split would’ve already happened were it not for legal disputes over who owns Church property and real estate. The actual split, it would seem, has indeed begun: congregations “throughout … More ...

Ho-hum, it’s business-as-usual out there, as reported by Mark Richardson …

The following are excerpts taken from recent log entries at Conservative Central‘s blog, Oz Conservative:

In left-liberal Sweden they actually have an “Equality Minister.” He has come under fire, though, because the unit he set up to implement gender equality in employment has only three men in a staff of 28. Not … More ...

An interesting analysis by Mark Richardson and, if I may, a digression of my own

Mark Richardson, in [url=]commentary[/url] on a Vatican position paper dealing with central issues of women’s lib, expresses appreciation (which is persuasive and gratifying to read) and also undertakes highly intelligent critique.

Mr. Richardson’s essay analysing this Catholic document serves, for me, not only its stated purpose but an additional very different purpose. To me, it … More ...

Some excellent recent comments touching on the idea of the nation-state

(I feel the legitimation of the tribe and the nation-state are among the central ideas of tradconservatism. One reason these ideas aren’t “racist,” of course, is they apply to all tribes and nation-states.)

[url=]Here’s[/url] Mark Richardson:

[i]”What forms the basis of a national identity? Conservatives would answer that ethnicity does. Real historical ties of … More ... now has a blog. has a blog, born four days ago and already first-rate. I predict it’ll be a major force helping to resist the interests who are pushing excessive incompatible immigration on us against our will.