Mark Richardson, in [url=]commentary[/url] on a Vatican position paper dealing with central issues of women’s lib, expresses appreciation (which is persuasive and gratifying to read) and also undertakes highly intelligent critique.
Mr. Richardson’s essay analysing this Catholic document serves, for me, not only its stated purpose but an additional very different purpose. To me, it also serves as a reminder of the [b]absence[/b] of a Catholic position paper upholding the right of individual members of nation-states, racial groupings, ethno-cultures, etc., to defend the continued existence of their nation-states, racial groupings, ethno-cultures, etc., [b]as such[/b], without being considered immoral in Catholicism’s eyes for doing so.
If all sixteen million Dutch people in Holland were replaced with sixteen million Chinese people from China but everything else were left the same—the country’s name was still Holland, it still had a queen but now an ethnic Chinese woman instead of a Dutch one, everyone still spoke the Dutch language, the buildings were all the same, etc., would it still be the same Holland? Clearly, no. Would opposition by Dutch people to such a racial transformation of their nation be “racist” or immoral? Clearly, no: neither “racist” nor immoral. This is the sort of thing the Vatican needs to clarify: opposition to such a thing isn’t immoral.
A while ago at this forum I argued with a Catholic whose position on this subject would have been weakened by a simple clarification by the Vatican of the right of members of such groupings not to see their groups’ biological—yes, biological—identities changed into other biological identities against their will by self-interested élite forces which happen to have found ways to act arbitrarily and remain unaccountable.
If I’m mistaken that the Vatican hasn’t clarified this, I’d appreciate being corrected. Otherwise I strongly urge Catholic officialdom to hurry up and produce such a clarification. They’ve clarified their stand on women’s lib. They can clarify their stand on the morality of a Catholic questioning excessive incompatible immigration into his country (yes I know the Dutch aren’t Catholic but I took that just as an easy hypothetical example). As things now stand there seems nothing in Catholic doctrine, for example (correct me if I’m wrong), affirming the morality of individual opposition to the conversion of, let’s say, the entire Italian peninsula including Vatican City racially and culturally from a European Christian entity into an Arab Moslem one. Some will say such a conversion is not possible? Wake up. It not only happens all the time in history, but it can happen right under one’s nose, in the blink of an eye, almost before anyone realizes what’s going on. Istanbul and the Hagia Sophia weren’t always Turkish Moslem, but were for over a thousand years one of the cornerstones of the European West and of Christendom.