Does Obama’s handshake/bow to the Japanese emperor remind anyone else of a high school kid clowning for the camera in a yearbook picture?
thoughts in and out of season
Does Obama’s handshake/bow to the Japanese emperor remind anyone else of a high school kid clowning for the camera in a yearbook picture?
My first thought was that as
My first thought was that as a left-liberal he’s demonstrating his reverence for the exotic other.
But your interpretation is funnier.
It’s the protocol/foreign
It’s the protocol/foreign policy equivalent of those CNN reporters that over-pronounce Spanish words. It’s ridiculous. He really hates his country and loves driving it off the cliff.
It’s like making a big show
It’s like making a big show of overpronouncing a foreign word in the middle of a public ceremony when you don’t have the slightest idea how the word’s pronounced and no interest in finding out. That does seem like some variety of juvenile clowning.