Terrifying religious tyranny

Here’s a list of Benedicts’s deeds of terror while Grand Inquisitor: Timeline of principal doctrinal decisions, documents, 1981-2005.

It’s worth a look. Every 6 or 8 years he’d say some book or theologian isn’t Catholic. Once he excommunicated a leftwing theologian, and a couple of times he did the same to a rightwing archbishop. That’s in a church with a billion members. Also, he wrote some things saying that Christianity is not identically the same as Marxist class struggle. And he said several times that sex matters, and that Christian sexual morality is correct.

Unless a whole lot has been left out, they don’t make Grand Inquisitors like they used to.

5 thoughts on “Terrifying religious tyranny”

  1. The title and first line
    The title and first line were meant ironically. (A visitor asked, so I thought I’d say so.)

    Rem tene, verba sequentur.

    • Benedict
      I understand your title is ironic. In reviewing the list of actions by the Congregation, I was struck by its mildness and reactivity (I suppose it’s meant to be reactive). It’s also quite a short list for 20 plus years.

      The Congregation took some actions on Marxist liberation theology, which was supposed to be a big deal. But it appears most actions relate to developments that arise from what I call the Fundamental Theorem of Pluralism (which you have so admirably summarized as the sovereignty of individual will and desire, and the exclusion of any authority, tradition, or person who would question or challenge that premise). It’s interesting how the Fundamental Theorem leads to predictable results in religion: pantheism (sometimes presented as ecumenicism), natural theology, Arianism, etc.

      It seems to me that the very existence of the Catholic Church, and its traditional structure, are an affront to the Fundamental Theorem. The person of Jesus, and scripture, can be presented as consistent with (indeed, as divine support for) the Fundamental Theorem, but the Church itself (by claiming ecclesial and doctrinal authority) is a more difficult nut to crack for the pluralists. Rather than attack the Church and its legitimacy directly, the pluralists attack the Congregation and Ratzinger, then the College elects Ratzinger as Pope!

    • Northern Ireland
      Please note that the site quoted as being anti-ecumenical is an extreme anti-Catholic,evangelical protestant organisation.I speak as a native of northern Ireland and a convert to Catholicism.Alan Robinson (England)

  2. Jim Kalb exposed:
    Gross Hypocresy from turnabouters,is demonstrated in the fact you are no living by your trad/con ideas,you can`t dare to makes your wife cook you in traditional wayshttp://hillbillyhousewife.com/,and no dares to wear traditional clotheswww.modestapparel.com,you hadn`t any theological training while bash to real catholic and evangelicals by no thinking as you,and NEVER tell to another people on the Love from Christ.
    I challenge you to teach to youth in New York or another places on God,Church and Holy Bible.
    Yes,Opus Dei,Charismatics,Legionnaries of Christ,etc. who risk everything by God are nothing according you because them no defend Aristasia and Lunar architecture,I pray God judge you very soon.


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