A fascinating account, by Srdja Trifkovic of Chronicles Magazine, of how National Review Online caved to Islamic lobbyists and temporarily removed his book from their bookstore, [url=http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/cgi-bin/newsviews.cgi/Islam/CAIR/2005/04/06/Caving_In_to_Jihad_]here[/url]…
6 thoughts on “National Review dhimmis”
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on the topic of dhimmitude…
Over at VFR, Laurence Auster has linked http://www.weeklystandard.com/Utilities/printer_preview.asp?idArticle=5446&R=C4E62EC84 this important, yet largely unreported, news story…
Hannibal is well within the gates, folks…
This term,derived from arabic Dhimmi(agreement),was created by Sephardic Egyptian Bath Ye’or. Was used by first time in political discourse,in a speech by Lebanese President Bashir Gemayel,only hours after he was killed by Syrians. There are some sites devoted to this topic:www.dhimmis.com,www.dhimmis.org and http://www.comeandsee.com-you must to use their search engine-had a review from a book on it.
A pair of good blogs on dhimmitude and jihad
http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/ Dhimmi Watch and http://www.jihadwatch.org/ Jihad Watch.
(Now I see these have been linked before; sorry about the repitition, folks.)
At the discussion forum…
… for Trifkovic’s article, Tom Fleming links a piece on the subject which mentions the http://www.washingtontimes.com/functions/print.php?StoryID=20050407-095608-3316r Australian case of two pastors charged with inciting hate against Islam, which is similar to a http://web.archive.org/web/20020701203539/http://report.ca/archive/report/20011105/p16i011105f.html case we had in Canada a few years back…
(Oh, I see I http://antitechnocrat.net:8000/node/1220 did comment on this previously…)
National Review isn’t what it
National Review isn’t what it used to be, nor is it what it purports to be.
How West created to Arabs