So, blind men have a “right” to “read” Playboy, and if Playboy Enterprises won’t publish a Braille edition of it, they can demand that the Library of Congress pay for it, and they’ll get it! Courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer… (I know; it’s only “the articles” that are rendered into Braille – which makes blind men the only ones who can honestly say, “I read Playboy for the articles.”)
I guess this isn’t “news”, considering how long it’s been going on, but it’s news to me – I had no idea that the U.S. government had taken “disabled rights” to this level…
Better not let the Canadian National Institute for the Blind know about it, or they’ll demand their “Charter right” to it, too… And the Liberal government of Canada will be sure to oblige them; or at least, the Canadian Supreme Court will guarantee that “right” for them, too…