Canada Revenue Agency is warning churches to be silent on moral issues when they become political issues. So they have to keep quiet at present about “gay marriage,” at least if they’re on the wrong side. It’s not clear how far the principle reaches. Do the Catholics lose their tax exemption if they deny communion to pro-abortion types. Or suppose someone else with special tax status for another charitable, public-spirited non-political reason, a research institute or medical or bar association for example, makes a statement that’s relevant to the issues in an election. Do they get in trouble too?
The next logical step is…
The next logical step is, the Canadian government monitoring the content of sermons and Bible studies more closely, to see if “crimes against diversity” are being committed and thus grounds for removal of charitable status for taxation purposes – and also to see if there are grounds for charges to be laid under Bill C-250, “hate crimes” against queers…
We will soon see, here in Canada, whether Caesar is Lord, or Christ is Lord, of the various Canadian churches…
Will S.