Reality Czech

Evidence that there is at least one sensible European politician: Czech President Vaclav Klaus warns Europe of ‘dream world’ woes. He doesn’t like the EU, thinks the Europeans are living in lotus-land, views the Euro as a purely political scheme, believes “you cannot have a democratic accountability in anything bigger than a nation state,” and worries about “a new form of collectivism.” These aren’t obscure points, even an untutored outsider can see them, but it’s refreshing and somewhat startling to see them made by a head of state. I wonder how soon he’ll get arrested?

5 thoughts on “Reality Czech”

  1. These two articles on the
    These two articles on the opinions of President Klaus are absolutely UPLIFTING! Reading them is like getting pure bracing oxygen pumped into your lungs after years of having to breathe the fetid, reeking, soul-killing poison-gas atmosphere of the Tranzi-Left alliance. I feel GREAT now! I can BREATHE AGAIN! It’s … it’s … I dunno, it’s … it’s ALMOST BETTER THAN CHRISTMAS!

    Can’t we nominate this guy for President of the World?

    Thank you, President Klaus! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  2. It might be a good idea if
    It might be a good idea if the U.S. were to ally with the Czechs to as large an extent as they want and openly do this to save the Czechs from European hegemony and to get a reliable ally in the heart of Europe, our next foe. The Czechs could end up like the West Germans did compared tot he East Germans. The West Germans were prosperous and free while the East Germans were poor and oppressed.

  3. Murgos, the US’s tightening
    Murgos, the US’s tightening relationship with eastern Europe is well underway. Notice that Lezek Miller, president of Poland, was the only head of gevernment to have dinner at the white house last year. Poland was also Bush’s first stop during his last sweep through Europe. Note the solid support from the Vilnus group he got on Iraq, the only European diplomatic success of the last two years to speak of. Also note Poland’s purchase of (I believe) 32 F-16’s this year from us.

    There has also been talk from people as highly placed as Rumsfeld of shifting our troop commitments in Germany eastward, into Hungary, the Czech Republic and, yes, Poland. Interesting, no?


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