UNCHR on the case!

The U.N. Commission on Human Rights is still the conscience of the world: U.N. report says racism on the rise worldwide. “The current international context should not cause [combatting racism and intolerance] to be lost from view, since they affect millions of people who are daily subjected to the horrors of discriminatory treatment.” The main horrors cited were attacks on Jewish synagogues, which the report blamed mainly on “the electoral successes of nationalist and extreme right parties;” racial profiling of Arabs, especially at airports; increased calls for reducing immigration; and more than 200 racist propaganda internet sites. It’s pleasing that world-wide things are in such good order that right-wing attacks on synagogues (rare and mostly quite minor in recent years) and the other things mentioned are what count as horrors. It’s yet more pleasing that we can look forward to further leadership from the UNCHR under the chairmanship of Libya.

5 thoughts on “UNCHR on the case!”

  1. I think the important thing
    I think the important thing to note is that the UN is labeling as “racism” 1) movements to enact immigration reform and 2) “closer scrutiny of people traveling to Western countries”. Soon both of these will be made crimes.

  2. “Combined with the security
    “Combined with the security measures designed to combat terrorism, the measures against immigration now give the impression that an iron curtain is falling between the North and the South of the planet,” the report said.

    When I read this quote, I thought, is this the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, or the United STATES Commission on Civil Rights, headed by Mary Frances Berry, that idiot who found a vast pattern of Nazi-like racial discrimination in the Florida presidential election? Only a complete idiot could possible equate current measures against immigration with an “iron curtain,” since by definition no one or almost no one gets through an iron curtain, and only does so at the risk of his life, while millions of people are still moving LEGALLY from Third World countries to the West. Yet such deranged statements are now coming from the one of most honored international institutions—the protection of human rights being the central religious idea of the new world order.

    So, to understand where the world is headed now, think of Mary Frances Berry, then think of persons with her intelligence and mindset directing a global government.

  3. By the way, it was also the
    By the way, it was also the United Nations Commission on Civil Rights which a few months ago justified the use of “armed struggle,” specifically suicide bombing, by oppressed Palestinians.

  4. Let’s further consider the
    Let’s further consider the main racist offenses found in the report, as summarized by Mr. Kalb: “attacks on Jewish synagogues, which the report blamed mainly on ‘the electoral successes of nationalist and extreme right parties;’ racial profiling of Arabs, especially at airports; increased calls for reducing immigration; and more than 200 racist propaganda internet sites.”

    So, the very low incidence of attacks on Jewish synagogues by right-wing whites is the top racist offense, while the extremely high incidence of violent attacks on synagogues by Muslim immigrants, especially in France, is ignored (just as the French authorities ignored it). The next major racist offense is the (supposed) increased surveillance at airports of the very ethnic/religious group that comprises the main source of the attacks on synagogues and the SOLE source of major terrorist attacks in Western countries. The next major racist offense is the rational desire of some Westerners to have fewer such synagogue burners and terrorism supporters enter their countries. And the next major racist offense is the existence of internet sites that discuss the danger that such terrorism supporters and other unassimilable immigrants pose to Western countries.

    Such are the major threats of racism in the world today.

  5. One expects the UN to
    One expects the UN to discredit itself, but it seems to benefit from the metaphysical demand for some sort of ultimate authority so that people can feel the world is an ordered cosmos.


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