Hatred of Christianity: victimless crime?

Christians aren’t allowed to be victims because it makes Islam look bad, and besides it detracts from Jewish suffering: Italian writer accused of distorting history. Meanwhile, Chronicles writer Srdja Trifkovic presents a dissenting view of the historical relation between the religion of peace and tolerance and Christianity.

2 thoughts on “Hatred of Christianity: victimless crime?”

  1. “The statistics he cites are
    “The statistics he cites are largely meaningless but the effect is to make the Shoah [Holocaust] just one detail in a century of massacres. It is part of an effort by some in the Catholic church to stop the Shoah being the most important event in the 20th century.”

    Alberto Melloni,
    Author, Religious Historian

    This tidbit taken from the Guardian article is a perfect example of the dissonance between orthodox and political historians. The latter seeking to pushed their warped version of history to achieve political gains for minority groups, (case in point; laws in European countries that make it illegal to voice critical opinions on Jews).

    This book has great potential to become a myth-buster. Look for Antonio Socci to recieve the David Irving treatment for challenging agenda-driven historians’ version of history.

  2. Of course the media will use
    Of course the media will use all sorts of slander, to destroy this man and his truthful book.


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