More of the same

Here’s a discussion of the future of race relations.

More of the Same

The state of American race relations in twenty years will depend on the status of a conflict among various immovable objects and irresistible but slow-acting forces. Such conflicts generally don’t go anywhere fast, so neither will race relations.

The most obvious immovable object is lack of success among blacks and mestizos. The situation could no doubt be improved somewhat by changes in the social environment and education system, but relative unsuccess will remain under almost any conceivable circumstances.

A second immovable object is racial and sexual equality as a non-negotiable demand. That’s here to stay, because it’s basic to our rulers’ claim to political and moral legitimacy. They don’t have a higher good to appeal to, so they can’t claim an authority that transcends the desires each of us happens to have. Instead they must claim that what they provide is simply protection for the dignity and well-being of each one of us. They’re the government, they’re here to help, they have the experts with the answers, and if you don’t see it that way you’re irrational or malicious.

The result is that they have to emphasize equality of some sort. There’s something in the deal for everyone, especially those at the bottom who might otherwise want to complain. Our rulers are not going to give us equality with regard to wealth, power, or social position—that’s probably not practical and certainly not in their interests. Instead, they promise it with regard to aspects of life, like race, sex, religion, and inherited community and culture, that complicate commercial and managerial ways of doing things. Those connections relate to traditional and natural ways of dealing with life, and a ruling class based on money, bureaucracy, and certified expertise doesn’t really like them. Why not go after them?

So what we have is an approach to government that won’t change any time soon. Part of that approach is the habit of blaming the problems of minorities on mainstream white society. The point is obvious: racial and similar inequalities can’t be natural, since our rulers have told us they’re going to get rid of them, and they couldn’t do that if they were natural. It follows that they are somehow man-made, and the way to get rid of them is to destroy the habits and understandings that have historically been dominant and created what we see around us.

So patriarchal white society based on inherited habits and understandings is the source of all evil, and it has to be extirpated. In its place we are going to have a multigendered, multicultural, and multiracial society ordered solely by commerce and expert social management, the construction of which is the highest conceivable social goal. A side-effect of that construction, which doesn’t bother people with money, bureaucratic position, and certified expertise, is that it destroys all functional social arrangements other than the ones such people dominate.

The wisdom and value of the effort can’t be disputed in respectable society, and opposition is seen as opposition to all that is good. Nonetheless, there are irresistible forces and wild cards in play that make success improbable.

One irresistible force, given our rulers’ unshakable commitment to mass third-world immigration, is the increasing numbers of blacks, mestizos, and Asians. Blacks are chronically unsuccessful and resentful, and mestizos seem to be following in their footsteps, although less energetically. Asians are doing very well, but don’t have much allegiance to America as a nation or project, and certainly don’t think they’re responsible for other people’s problems. They may say they support the egalitarian effort, as long as it’s good public relations to say so and whites continue to be generally dominant, but they won’t want to give up their acquisitions for the sake of other groups, especially those from whom they can expect nothing.

A wild card is the attitude of whites, who are becoming less public spirited and less functional, especially the non-yuppified among them. They’ve been thoroughly tamed, so they can hardly imagine doing anything about a system that is destroying them as a people, and it’s not clear how that situation will change when they’re swamped in distractions and their channels of thought and communication have been taken into a media world dominated by ruling elites adept at co-opting talent and ambition. Even so, they are becoming comparatively less numerous, and can be expected to become ever less able and inclined to fulfill their assigned role of supporting a system that makes them its target.

The effect of all these tendencies is that for the foreseeable future, and certainly for the next twenty years, the egalitarian project will remain sacred but its burden will grow while popular support declines. The difficulties of the situation will be exacerbated by the doubtful prospects, in an environment dominated by racial and other fantasies and re-education campaigns that disrupt cultural understandings regarding basic institutions like the family, for effective government, a productive economy, and a functional and satisfying day-to-day way of life.

With egalitarian demands only likely to harden, no way for them to be satisfied, and an ever-growing incapacity to do or discuss much of anything, the obvious outcome of current trends is paralysis. Nothing basic will change, but we will have to live with ever cruddier daily life, ever more lying, fantasy, and resentment, ever less popular influence on government, an ever greater division between right-thinking yuppies and a growing class of inarticulate but racially and sexually antagonistic proles, and gradually decreasing effectiveness of institutions. Our public life will become more and more a Potemkin village, with the real business carried on through cronyism, backroom deals, and officially nonexistent ethnic and similar networks. In short, America is entering its Brezhnev period, and heading toward a future marked by growing racial, class, and sexual resentments under the banner of an official ideology that makes no sense but is nonetheless effective at silencing discussion and making change unthinkable. That situation is likely to last for decades.

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