2 thoughts on “New poll”

  1. Colonel Travis
    Dear Mr. Kalb and Fellow Readers,

    It is crunch time once again. By the way, I am a proud background-checked Minuteman. Your vast readership knows the score and the dire situation (as per the liberal Media) we are faced with. The Senate amnesty bill is shambling through the Senate. Yet do not rely on the House or a conference committee to defeat this senate bill. Kill it in the Senate. That is pro-action. Call senators; it is really very easy, although I recognize it is stressful to most. Connect to some effective Sites to assist you: http://www.fairus.org/site/PageServer or http://www.numbersusa.com/index.

    If you think nonviolent action is difficult, remember Colonel William Travis’ plea for support that is still pasted on the wall of the Alamo in San Antonio. “The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion otherwise the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken — I have answered their demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls — I shall never surrender or retreat.”

    Paul Henri

    • Addendum to Colonel Travis
      Dear Mr. Kalb and Fellow Readers,

      A clever idea I read about today is to urge your House members to come out now and declare they have no intention of taking part in a conference committee. The purpose is to make a clear distinction between the stubborn, seditious (or moronic) Bush and Republicans. So I made some calls to House leaders and members in addition to senators. I advised them that if they do not do not take a strong enforcement-only position, I fear they will lose the House and Senate in November.

      So let’s get back to our nonviolent calls, faxes, e-mails, letters, and monetary contributions to legislators and reform Websites. Take hold of your feelings; get mad. Take action. Motivation often follows action. Don’t wait until you feel like it. “Remember the Alamo” is as relevant today as it was nearly 200 years ago. Don’t let Colonel Travis’ replacement down.

      Paul Henri


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