4 thoughts on “Universality and nationhood”

  1. My Researched Post Did Not Take
    Drat. I’ll need to ensure that I save to my drive before posting. I just hate the Model T Internet.


  2. First Universal Nation
    Dear Readers,

    Wattenburg’s article, as reported, is moronic. I am familiar with his pretend-conservative writings. The best way to handle such morons is not to even think about their ideas. They have so discredited themselves in earlier writings it is like listening to Lamarck. Lamarck was the extremely wrong person that believed organisms could inherit acquired characteristics. For example, if someone pumped iron as Ah’nald did, his progeny would be all pumped up.

    All the Best,


  3. Ummah
    Dear Readers,

    Yea right. Did not the Lord tell us to know them by their works? Intellectual arguments are never ending. So screw them, pardon my English please. Islam has always been and still is an aggressive religion. There is no need to agonize over esoteric points. Jesus is Lord. Muhammad is an evil person I can’t even begin to respect.

    All the Best,


    • Ummah
      Dear Fellow Readers,

      Thou shall not commit adultery, which is sex with an unmarried person. Muhammad had sex with unmarried 13-year old girls. Muhammad was an adulterer. This is just a trinket from the “Holy” Koran. OK Koraners, I dare you to give me your best shot.

      All the Best,



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