Spain: Muslims demand removal of the “four Moorish heads” from the shield of Aragon

This story was linked at Relapsed Catholic (linked at the left side of Turnabout), but I thought it deserved to be highlighted. (Here’s Google’s translation of the cited article – it didn’t translate well, but it’s readable enough, and easily understood.)

The Muslims are getting bolder and bolder…

12 thoughts on “Spain: Muslims demand removal of the “four Moorish heads” from the shield of Aragon”

    Transcript of Ave Maria Radio interview with Srdja Trifkovic, here.

    I like the comment with which Dr. Trifkovic ends, that in order to meet the challenge of our day, where Islam is more observed than Christianity in Europe, that “Christian traditionalists belonging to different denominations should forge anti-ecumenical unity”. “Anti-ecumenical unity”; it sounds oxymoronic, but I don’t believe it is, I believe it just means working together, whether politically, or simply recognizing each other as fellow members of Western, Christian civilization (contrasted against non-Trinitarian, non-Christian, non-Western peoples), while holding firmly to each of our respective traditions.

  2. Muslims demand removal of the “four Moorish heads”. . .
    One Spanish village removed the last Moorish King—Boabdil —from its crest (he was shown chained by the neck).

    A statue of St James Matamoros in the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral was under attack earlier this year.

    The Guardian on the subject:,2763,1330571,00.html 500 years on, Spanish region tries to evict the Moors again


  3. A nice reader’s comment on the Dhimmi Watch article Here:

    “[E]ntailed within cultural relativism is, first, an endorsement of absolutisms that deny it [i.e., that deny cultural relativism itself], and, second, a demeaning attitude to cultures it claims to respect.”

    “If a tree falls and an expert doesn’t hear it, is there a sound?” Yes, the sweetest, most melodious sound in all creation: the sound of entropy being brought clanking, screeching, grinding to a halt.

  4. Be aware of libertaddigital
    This Spanish web site,, is not a conservative web site, but a strange mixture of “neocon” and fascist views, something that is not strange in many neocon sites, but, in this case, it is brought to the extreme. It should not be forgotten that Spain was ruled by a purely fascist party during almost 40 years (from 1939 until 1976), and the remains of this Spanish fascism, objective accomplice of Hitler and Mussolini, are present in this web site, starting by some of their main editors that are fully devoted to rewrite Spanish recent history in a sort of negationst form of the fascist crimes in Spain.
    The editors of Libertad Digital fully support liberalism, but only as far as it allows big companies to optimize benefits, although they make it compatible with the worst tradition of the Spanish fascism. It is just an opportunistic appropriation of the liberal ideas for purely benefit maximizing purposes. No decent conservatist thinking is present there.
    We traditionalist-conservatives should be careful with the views we refer to, and not get mixed with any form of fascim. This ideology, fascism, has caused a lot of damage to legitimate conservatism in the past and even today. We should avoid any contact and any identification with it.

    • re:libertaddigital stand against fascism
      you are wrong,peter turner president from and a columnist in that website has written about this canard promoted by extreme leftists from corrupsoe- a political party led by terrorist zapatero,and member from socialist international-,editor and publisher from is federico jimènez losantos a long time fighter against extreme right;another columnists are pìo moa a former victim from tyrant franco,cèsar vidal manzanares an evangelical theologian and author from various books Comdemnating revisionists books,amando de miguel an intelectual persecuted by franco`s secret police,hanna fischer an exiled from former miltary tyrannny from uruguay,pedro schwarz from cato institute,carlos sabino from mises institute,carlos ball a friend from michael nowak,anìbal romero a nèmesis from any military tyranny in latin america,and mario vargas llosa president from liberty foundation,and peace award from bücher händel börse from frankfurt am mein by his work against castro,sani abacha,pinochet and fujimori.And when writing in english remember in the language of shakespeare classical european meaning and significance from word “liberalism” was lost,and you must to use libertarian-for economic issues-,or conservatives-for political purposes-,or whig-for certain contexts-, you appears to use liberalism in spanish-by example losantos and of term.

      • Be aware
        I have been a regular reader of “” (LD for short) from its very beginning, and have read the writings of these gentlemen on other media since 1975, so I modestly think that I know what I am talking about. I can understand that “republicansin” has a good opinion about them, perhaps in exchange of the support of “libertaddigital” to any initiative of the Bush administration.
        I can see that you are a regular reader of LD, because your “vocabulary” clearly shows it. I am not going to comment expresions that appear in your message, such as corrupsoe (for those readers who do not know it, it is a sort of acronym for “corrupt PSOE”, the party that won the last democratic elections in Spain, last May). I am sure that not many good things can be said about Spain’s President Zapatero, who intends to make homosexual marriage legal, but as far as I know he has never been involved in terrorist activities, so your words are just un unfair insult. One the columnists of LD that you mention, Mr. Pio Moa, has a much more obvious terrorist background. He had to spend a few years in prison for being the leader of a terrorist group, GRAPO, that murdered several policemen, kidnaped politicians and entrepreneurs, and carried out several hold ups to banks.
        About the remaining “names” that you mention, only say that not any of these “longtime fighters against extreme right” was never arrested for this “fight”. This should suggest you something about how intensely they were fighting agains the fascist regime from their comfortable seats in the public administration of the regime. The writings of these gentlemen are commonly found in the Spanish extreme right newspapers, such as ABC (promoter and supporter of not less than two “coups” and a Civil War during the 20th century). In my opinion, the Cato Institute, the promoter of the American Century, may not be called conservative but neoconservative, which is not the same buth rather the opposite. Is a perfectly honest activity but is not conservative.
        I do not think that libertarianism is the economic thinking of the conservatives, but the one of the neoconservatives. My idea of “liberalism” is the one that philosophers and thinkers such as John Stuart Mill, Hobbes or Locke helped define in their works. This meaning is commonly accepted in the UK, although it may not be so much accepted in the States. As far as I understand the American expression “libertarianism” applies to those who want to eliminate political governments or minimize government, ideologically supported by the economic doctrines of the School of Chicago. Much nearer from the neocon thinking than from the (UK) liberal one, I would say. Libertarian is exactly the economic thinking of LD, even though they call it liberal instead of libertarian. The political one is more based on some doctrines that became very popular in Europe in the decade of the 1930s. So I am sorry to warn all of you again: be aware of

        • O.K.
          I was only trying to makes available to english readers any source of informations,different from usual gang of leftists talking as representatives from latin america and spain,by example jorge ramos,jorge castañeda,ramonet,pedro almòdovar,etc.What is your opinion about pepe-rodrì ?,which newspaper or website you can recommends,cambio 16,,?.

          • Spanish conservative thinking: not much of it under the sun
            If by conservative thinking we understand what can be read in the Turnabout or in the “” web sites, the truth is that there is not much conservative thinking in Spain.

            What exists in Spain is right wing, nearly the same thing as the neoconservative American discourse, and there are also the remains of the old fascist regime ideologies. A proper traditionalist discourse, including the Catholic view on today’s events, is just not present in the media.

            Of course there are good reasons, both historical and practical, for this. Let’s go for the practical ones first: to defend and promote these traditional and catholic values in Spain is not good business. Mainstream media, from both right and left, prefer to use their vast resources to promote more money oriented ideologies, such as neoliberal or neoconservative ideas.

            On the other hand, this kind of “civilized” conservative thinking, such as the one in the States, Britain, or even France, has never existed in Spain, because the country was under the control of a truly feudal class until the end of the 1970s. Sophisticated thinking was replaced by pure pseudo-religious dogma according to which God wanted things to be as they were. With such a support from Heaven, not much theoretical thinking was required. Perhaps as a reaction to this, any right or conservatist discourse is ignored by most of the population, if not automatically identified with the nazi ideology. Practically all known writers are fully devoted to the promotion of leftist values, in its many flavours.

            Nevertheless there are a few names, and also a few places in the Internet, where you can have some hints on today’s Spanish conservative thinking. Look for writings by Miguel Herrero de Miñón, a politician of the Partido Popular (right) who has been deactivated by the neoconservative wing of his party, and is temporarily (let’s hope) half retired, Josep Miró Ardèvol, a former politician, and a catholic activist at present, also José Javier Esparza writes somes interesting things on the subject. The web sites that you can look at for some conservative thinking are: //, and the web site of Revista Arbil:

            If you can find any other authors or publications on the subject, please let me know. I will greatly appreciate that.

          • re:conservatives in spain
            But ramòn,your comments makes sounds to spain as another venezuela,where opposition and government are leftists,visit please website and makes click in article ¿avanza latinoamèrica?,and knows as bourgeoisie young people from spaniard origins in venezuela,reacts to critics to zapàtero and allende.

        • ¿Cato neocon? They opposed t
          ¿Cato neocon? They opposed to Irak war.
          ¿ABC extreme right? In this newspaper can be found many extreme left writers.
          Federico Jiménez Losantos was prosecuted during the fascism regime and Amando De Miguel (and many others) was arrested.
          The ones who fought against the fascist regime “from their comfortable seats in the public administration of the regime” are writing nowadays in El País, a leftist paper.

          Your idea of liberalism is not mine. I prefer Mises or Hayek to Mill.
          Anyway, it is false that “those who want to eliminate political governments or minimize government (are) ideologically supported by the economic doctrines of the School of Chicago”. Most of then are from “austrian school”. That’s not the same.

          LD is not libertarian but liberal-conservative; you are a social-liberal. LD support capitalism, “conditione sine qua non” if we talk about any kind of liberalism. You know?

          Roberto Suárez

    • False
      Libertad Digital has some of the most shining minds of Hispanic
      liberalism. Confusing the love by freedom of the individual
      with fascism, is stupid.
      It is certain that many publishing positions of the digital newspaper tend more towards neocon, but they are not fascists at all.
      In LD we can find love to capitalism. That’s the point.
      And the editor, Federico Jiménez Losantos, is an old fighter against “the worst tradition of the Spanish fascism”.
      Obviously, you have no idea of what you are talking about.

      Roberto Suárez

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