Good news for tolerance

Hate-filled bigots have been stopped dead in their tracks: an organization had been sending families of fallen soldiers and policemen medallions with a picture of the Liberty Bell and the quotations “Liberty Rings For All Nations” and “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.” On the reverse they had been putting the man’s name and the legend “A Fallen Friend.” With that as an opening, the group had then been sneaking in, also on the reverse, a hate-filled bigoted exclusionary reference to John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” For some reason the armed forces had been cooperating with the scam by supplying the organization with names, ranks and addresses of the fallen. Readers will be pleased to know that even in W’s hard right totalitarian fundie America someone had the simple justice and decency to put an end to such goings on.

2 thoughts on “Good news for tolerance”

  1. Good news for tolerance my ass
    I bet you never served in the armed forces. And you post “a hate-filled bigoted exclusionary reference to John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” How is that hate filled?!?! You guys are just wack!!!! You libtards have so much hate filled from not being in control of the government anymore, you will say and do anything, even if it is totally wack!!!

    • “Mysterious Stranger,” you’re among friends.
      To the anonymous poster of 9:08 PM: the log entry was meant purely sarcastically. (If you yourself are being sarcastic in turn, in your post, please excuse me!). It was meant to ridicule the libtard postion on this. (NICE neologism, btw—I like it! I’ll try to work it into my future posts, if I may.) Drop in more often—you might like what you see.


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