PC professions

A couple of items among many to show how things stand in law, learning and the church:

  • A Canadian judge has ruled that a a public college teacher was rightly suspended from his position for a letter to a local newspaper in which he said that he “refuse[d] to be a false teacher saying that promiscuity is acceptable, perversion is normal, and immorality is simply ‘cultural diversity’ of which we should be proud.” The teacher was perfectly free to hold such views, the judge said, “should he choose not to . . . teach in public schools in British Columbia.” As his employer pointed out, the “discriminatory writings” had the effect of “casting doubt on the integrity of the teaching profession.”
  • Meanwhile, the church of John Donne, Samuel Johnson and C. S. Lewis has decided it’s necessary to get rid of the “wise men” (Matthew 2:1-2) and replace them with “magi.” After all, who’s to say whether they were wise, or even men? Since they might have been peripatetic bimbos, it avoids troublesome issues to use the Old Persian word “magi.”

Law and the church have been basic to the civilization of the West. Law has articulated the concrete principles that secure order, freedom and prosperity, while the church has stood for the ultimate goods and standards on which we have based our life together. Both are learned pursuits closely associated with institutional learning. What happens when all three professions abandon what they have been and get swallowed up by current ideological demands?

3 thoughts on “PC professions”

  1. “peripatic bimbos”

    I think
    “peripatic bimbos”

    I think you may have meant “peripatetic”, but it’s still darn funny. Move over Chesterton.


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