William Buckley left some on the American Right with a residue of Anglophilia and Ivy League snobbery. Here’s something guaranteed to cure even the most stubborn case: lady nominalist leaves Yale to take Regius Chair of Divinity at Oxford. The bit about the black leather clerical attire (the lady is also an Episcopal priestess noted for her support for the gay cause) was confirmed by the Yale Alumni Magazine.
The black leather clerical
The black leather clerical attire is on a level with the time just over a year ago when some Episcopal priests wore big red clown-costume noses during a religious ceremony. Sometimes you have to ask yourself, “Don’t they realize the world is watching? What MUST they be thinking!”
Dunno about the clowns, but
Dunno about the clowns, but theatrics and transgressive permutations seem to be one side of homosexual sensibility.