Bent to straight

In spite of hate speech laws the mainstream press is probably a bit freer and more diverse in Britain than America. Here, for example, is a reasonably straightforward article on reparative therapy for homosexual orientation—something you’re not likely to see in the national press here. For those who pursue it, more often than not the therapy is successful. (It’s obvious, by the way, that the claim that homosexuality is inborn and immutable is opportunistic. The real goal of the movement for sexual liberation is a world of fluid sexuality.)

1 thought on “Bent to straight”

  1. Is it just me, or is it the
    Is it just me, or is it the exact same people who claim homosexuality is inborn and immutable the same people who claim race and sex characteristics are NOT inborn and immutable?

    Hmmm….Your genetics determine your “sexual orientation” (what an absurd phrase, and politically convenient) but your race and sex are determined by a socialization process, and if you end up a certain way then you experienced a bad social/family upbringing. Very interesting philosophy.


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