5 thoughts on “Speciesism refuted!”

  1. “Mice and men share about 99
    “Mice and men share about 99 percent of each other’s genes. I wonder if that means there are no racial differences between the two?”—Jim Kalb

    This is essentially the argument that Peter Singer, quack philosopher du jour of the liberal elite, makes and uses to justify not only the exaltation of lower animal forms, but the denigration of man. For Singer, if one has to choose between killing a healthy mouse or a sickly child, well…sorry, kid.

  2. Prof. Peter Singer, of
    Prof. Peter Singer, of Princeton no less!, and Prof. Noel Ignatiev, of Harvard no less!, are together the worst stains on the reputations of present-day U.S. academic liberalism/leftism that could even be imagined, let alone actually present in the living, breathing flesh. Ignatiev wants the eradication of the white race, and Singer goes partial-birth abortion one better, in advocating the killing of babies AFTER they’re completely born. Nothing said by any Nazi theorist—NOTHING … from Mein Kampf on down—was worse than what these two are getting away with … nay, not “getting away with” but warmly cheered-on by liberals and leftists across that portion of the American academic spectrum.

  3. In a different thread the
    In a different thread the other day I brought up the subject of inter-racial IQ differences as they are discussed at “La Griffe du Lion” (“The Lion’s Claw”), http://www.lagriffedulion.com . I mentioned that east Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) have higher average IQs than whites (as do Ashkenazi Jews—higher than the white average that is, the Ashkenazis being whites too).

    Check this out, from Razib Khan’s excellent web-site, “Gene Expression,” at http://www.gnxp.com (just moved from the “blogspot.com” domain, so any who already had it in their favorites, please adjust your addresses):


    SURNAME WATCH { razib }

    From someone in Australia:

    Here are the 20 available names out of the 23 students in the State of Victoria, Australia who got the highest theoretically possible ENTER score in the V(ictorian) C(ertificate) (of) E(ducation) examinations for 2002 which serve as University entrance tests as well as for broader
    purposes. They are more content based than aptitude tests and include essays and, for those who choose, quite testing mathematics.

    TOP OF THE CLASS – Students with 99.95.
    Date: December 17, 2002.

    JAMES SAUNDERSON – Brighton Grammar School.
    HILARY LIN – MacRobertson Girls High School [Top selective girls high school – government].
    BRIAN LEUNG – Melbourne Grammar School [C of E boys school – often top private school academically].
    JOHN LEUNG – Melbourne Grammar School.
    NEIL LUO – Melbourne Grammar School.
    NICHOLAS LUO – Melbourne Grammar School.
    JAMES JHAO – University High School [Equal top or second ranked boys’ selective high school – Melbourne High not represented this year – there
    are only two state high schools which are boys only].
    ANDREW KWOK – University High School.
    ATHOL BIRTLEY – University High School.
    KATRINA HANNAN – Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School [This and all the ones below are not state schools].
    YIYING ZHAO – Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School.
    KAI XI LIU – Camberwell Grammar School.
    SUNNY YU – Camberwell Grammar School.
    SEONG-JIN ANG – Camberwell Grammar School.
    CHRISTINE QIAN – Presbyterian Ladies College.
    LIRONNE WEIN – Bialik College [This and next are attractive identical twins].
    SARA WEIN – Bialik College.
    MICHAEL McVEIGH – Xavier College.
    SARAH WONGSEELASHOTE – Methodist Ladies College.
    AMIE GILLETT – Korowa Anglican Girls School.

    The names of some students who attained 99.95 were not available.

    I am not sure how many sit each year but it is probably about 50,000.

    Do we have a future? I think so.

    James [last name excised]


    I assume that “James,” the guy who posted the above letter at “Gene Expression,” was a white Australian, and that the question he posed at the end meant “Do Euro-Australians have a future?”

    It’s a valid query, not only for white Australians, but for whites everywhere.

    Euros everywhere would have a more certain future if they stopped with the multi-culti nonsense already, and reasserted their own traditional ethno-culture, and too bad for their ethno-cultural enemies, fifth-columnists, and weakling liberal fellow-travellers who don’t like it.

    Yellows or anyone else—ANYONE ELSE—don’t like Christmas? Then get out and go where they don’t celebrate it! Here, we celebrate it—SORRY! In our country, nobody’s going to put you in a concentration camp, or mistreat you, but nobody is going to commit ethno-cultural suicide either, just to make YOU feel more comfortable! You have paranoia? Go see a shrink and get some anti-paranoia pills!

    The Yellow races don’t need our help, or our charity. I lived in a big house full of them (North and South Vietnamese, and Chinese from Cholon, Saigon’s “Chinatown”) a couple of the more than ten years I lived in French-speaking Europe, and over the months some would depart and others would arrive, so I got to know several dozens of them, males and females, intimately, together with all the lore of the far east, the histories of all their families, all their politics both pro and anti communist, their culture, their prejudices, everything. I could speak a little of the language. I ate mostly the Chinese and Vietnamese food they cooked, and it got to where I used chopsticks even when eating European food. After leaving that Vietnamese house I kept many Vietnamese and Chinese as very close friends the rest of the ten years I was in Europe, and I still have some as friends whom I correspond with, in both Europe and in the Far East. One Vietnamese is the godfather of one of my children.

    Trust me, they’re smarter than we are, subtler than we are, finer, more refined, and more artistic than we are, tougher than we are, and have absolutely no notion whatsoever of the Western liberal outlook. (The communists among them—this was from the early 70s to the early 80s—were very hard, very tough people, not in any way like our liberals in the west.)

    They are racist to the core and are a lot of other things that would shock Western liberals to the very marrow of their fragile little bones to see.

    A little further along the road we now tread, and it’ll be WE who’ll be begging for THEIR charity, not the other way round—and we WON’T GET IT if we ever DO beg for it, either.


  4. Sorry, I forgot to put the
    Sorry, I forgot to put the link (below) in my letter. The letter by “James” posted in “Gene Expression,” by the way, elicited a reply (by someone doubting the phenomenon’s importance) about the same phenomenon happening in Canada (click on the comments at the end of James’ letter at the web-site).


  5. As a Melbournian, I noted
    As a Melbournian, I noted Unadorned’s post with special interest. Unlike many animals like leopards or elephants, there is enormous diversity with the human species, similar to say that of canines. The differences are more than skin deep; they are physical, morphological, physiological, and intellectual. In intelligence hereditary factors explain 70-80 percent. Environment explains the remainder. It is opponents of this reality that are the environmental determinists. Acknowledgment of racial difference has been the norm until the early 20th century, when cultural Marxists, such as Kamin and Gould took the ascendancy. The London School, a linage of scholars beginning with Darwin’s cousin Galton, followed by eminents including Burt,Eysenck,Jenson,Murray,Lynn,and Rushton have bravely maintained research into racial differences, facing censorship, slander and violence. Perhaps the best internet source covering their research is Upstream


    The phenomenon of high Asian intelligence is best explained by Rushton, who for over a decade has studied group difference between Mongoloid, Caucasoid and Negroid races, noting differences in intelligence, brain size, rates of crime, pregnancy periods among other differences,with Blacks at one end, East Asians the other, with whites in between, although closer to Asians. The abridged version of his book can be found at


    The consensus amongst non-environmental-determinist scholars seems to be as follows. Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ around 109-117, with a much higher verbal IQ than performance. East Asians an IQ 103-110 with higher performance. Whites 100, Hispanics, American Indians, 90, American Blacks who are around 20% white 80-85, African Blacks 70, full blood Australian aborigines lower still, perhaps around 63. Interesting, the latter may be the most ancient people in the world; modern day aborigines are a blend of gracile and robust types 10000 years ago, with Robust skulls with strong homoerectus in characteristics. Less pronounced erectus features are apparent in the modern day aborigine.

    The difference in IQ become more pronounced at the tail ends of the bell curve. One out of 33 whites have an IQ of 130, while maybe one out of a million black Africans. One thing to note, as well as average IQ the standard deviation is also important. This appears to be smaller amongst blacks and possibly Asians increasing the white-black IQ gap (on the right side of the bell curve) while reducing the white-Asian.

    Race is destiny and cannot easily be altered save population transfers that are morally and practically problematic. Within the West US seems to be in the worse position. Black and especially Hispanics have a higher birth rate and have children earlier so have four generations to the white five. The welfare system and education system particularly encourages the poor and dull to breed while the smart educated are financially and socially discouraged causing a dysgenic effect overall, within, and between races. This dysgenic effect may have started as early as the mid 19th century with the introduction of contraception, with modern policy and culture increasing the phenomena, with IQ perhaps dropping 1 point or more per generation. The effect is compounded amongst minorities. In the NLSY 12000 person study from which the Bell Curve was based, the black-white IQ difference of the original group was 15.2 points, amongst their children it was 18 points; the Hispanic-white difference also increased in the next generation.

    The European situation, is also dire, due to cultural, religious and racial differences between the whites and Muslims. As with Hispanics in the US, Legal and illegal immigration, and higher fertility rates, and earlier births could lead to a Muslim majority within a century.

    In Australia, there is no dominant non-white ethnic minority, although the Chinese population is sizeable with its immigration increasing. Fortunately as an island continent, we spared from illegal immigration on US and European scale. Also, I think, you will find that many of the students who received 99.95 may have been overseas students. It is unsurprising that the several of the remainder appear Jewish.

    One interesting note on the IQ issue. One member of the London school, Richard Lynn, has suggested that Embryo Selection (ES) may be refined within a decade, harvesting a women’s eggs and fertilizing them invitro with her husbands sperm. Screened for genetic quality, the most promising of say 100 eggs would be implanted, which as 100 potential children would have a 30 IQ point range, the IQ of the offspring would be one standard generation or 15 IQ points higher. Within six or seven generations IQ could be raised to the theoretical maximum of 200 (140 for African blacks, around 155 for US blacks). Although I understand why many conservatives oppose artificial intervention in the fertility process, the benefits of halting and reversing the dysgenic spiral should be considered. While cloning is ethically problematic in many ways, ES may be a process that need not be incompatible with conservative values. The inequalities in society due to unequal distribution of ability, that the Left explains through economic and cultural Marxism would be largely absolved. The crime, and depravity association with low IQ would disappear, and the African continent would be lifted from darkness. Imagine a world where genius on the scale of Shakespeare, Newton and Goete was commonplace instead of one in a billion.


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