Drang nach Osten

Jack Straw may be loathsome, but I do like his theory that the way to solve problems caused by immigration is to deal with their cause, “the huge imbalance in the quality of life and the standard of living between countries in the EU and those some way to the east,” by enlargement of the EU. The nice thing about the theory is that it can be extended indefinitely—beyond the east there’s a further east, not to mention the south. Today Slovakia, tomorrow the world!

2 thoughts on “Drang nach Osten”

  1. The first two paragraphs of
    The first two paragraphs of the linked article read as follows:

    “Britain’s Foreign Secretary Jack Straw urged the European Union to step up its search for support of enlargement in order to fend off the rise of Europe’s far-right.

    “‘We have to redouble our efforts to generate popular support for enlargement,’ Straw told The Times. ‘An enlarged EU should be a buttress against extremism.'”

    If there is any discernible logic here, it appears to be this: “People are angry about having their national identities, their national sovereignty, their political freedom swallowed up by a European superstate. The way to suppress such resistance is to increase the size and power of the European superstate, and so accelerate the swallowing up process.”

  2. The logic seems to be that
    The logic seems to be that the reason immigration seems to be a problem is that the EU isn’t universal. If the EU were universal then all countries would be rich and well managed and so there there would be no problems.


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