1 thought on “Boston Globe on “No Place for Hate””

  1. From the linked Boston Globe
    From the linked Boston Globe story:

    “Hamilton psychologist and activist George Beilin said he’s not ready to call for anybody to step down. But he takes the matter personally. His son was the target of an anti-Semitic slur a few years ago and he’s angry at the board’s position.

    “He wonders how Alexander Hamilton, the great Conservative statesman for whom the town is named, would respond to the dispute. ‘Hamilton was an illegitimate immigrant born in the West Indies,’ Beilin said. ‘I think this whole thing would make him roll over in his grave.”’

    Notice how this local “psychologist and activist” uses the word “illegitimate” to make it sound as if Alexander Hamilton was an illegal immigrant. (Hamilton was of course born illegitimate, but he was not an immigrant, as he had simply moved from one British colony to another, nor was he illegal in any sense.) Beilin’s intention in doing this is to make people believe that since Hamilton was an “illegitimate immigrant from Jamaica” (thus dishonestly associating Hamilton with non-whiteness, Third-Worldism, and the Other), therefore he’d naturally be in favor of the Orwellian No Place To Hate campaign promoted by the likes of Beilin himself! It takes a particular kind of shamelessness to come up with an argument like that.


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