Reviews of my books
Alas, no panel at the convention …
Another recommendation for my book, this one from the president of the Modern Language Association: “a book that gets right to the core of the matter: immanent tyrannical elements in the political philosophy that first challenged tyranny” (it’s in the next-to-last paragraph on the linked page). The review Berman refers to is unfortunately not available … More ...
A couple more plugs for my book
They’re just side comments, but if you haven’t bought your copy yet you should consider what people are saying at Chronicles (“Mr. Kalb[‘s] … wonderful book”) and The Thinking Housewife (“thoughtful and absorbing … absolutely engrossing … long shelf life”). So everybody’s talking about it! Do you want to be the only one left out?… More ...
Rusty Reno’s “resistance” review
R. R. Reno has a review of my book in the most recent Intercollegiate Review. He titles the review “Resistance Literature,” a phrase intended as high praise.
Yet another review
Yet another review, this one by Carl Olson in Catholic World Report. It’s longer than average (two three-column pages) and quite favorable:
… More ...The Tyranny of Liberalism … is the work of an imaginative conservative who offers frank criticism and expresses the truth about authentic values and the permanent things with notable clarity, unusual insight,
The view from the Vox
A weblog “dedicated to the late Murray Rothbard” gives a detailed and very positive review of my book, calling it “provocative and profound,” and “a book I recommend to all” that “defends a traditional conservatism one can respect.”
The blogger, of course, is a libertarian. The biggest difference he can see between my views and … More ...
The view from Rockford
There’s another review of my book, this one in the August Chronicles. It’s short (2/3 page) but lavish in its praise (“Savor that felicitous prose … Rejoice that another voice has been added … “). The author is the Rev. Lloyd E. Gross, a retired Lutheran pastor (Missouri Synod).
Yet another review
It’s another brief one, this time in New Oxford Review.
Incidentally, the paperback version is sold out and the hardbound version is running low. I’m told a new printing of the paperbound is being scheduled but the hardbound will not be reprinted. So get yours fast!
Another voice
Susan McWilliams, a political scientist and Front Porch Republic contributor, has a slightly belated contribution to the symposium on my book up at First Principles. She praises the book highly from a generally liberal perspective as an attempt to get beyond the dichotomies of today’s politics by looking at basic questions.
Another review
My book got a brief notice in (as it happens) the “Briefly Noted” section of First Things (scroll down the page). It’s basically a zippy little precis by a very recent Princeton graduate they have now, Stefan McDaniel. To cut a precis down to a blurb, Mr. McD tells his readers that:
… More ...“James Kalb’s new