Alas, no panel at the convention …

Another recommendation for my book, this one from the president of the Modern Language Association: “a book that gets right to the core of the matter: immanent tyrannical elements in the political philosophy that first challenged tyranny” (it’s in the next-to-last paragraph on the linked page). The review Berman refers to is unfortunately not available … More ...

Yet another review

Yet another review, this one by Carl Olson in Catholic World Report. It’s longer than average (two three-column pages) and quite favorable:

The Tyranny of Liberalism … is the work of an imaginative conservative who offers frank criticism and expresses the truth about authentic values and the permanent things with notable clarity, unusual insight,

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The view from the Vox

A weblog “dedicated to the late Murray Rothbard” gives a detailed and very positive review of my book, calling it “provocative and profound,” and “a book I recommend to all” that “defends a traditional conservatism one can respect.”

The blogger, of course, is a libertarian. The biggest difference he can see between my views and … More ...