Tradish links

Here’s a list of links relating to issues regarding tradition and Catholicism we’ve dealt with at Turnabout. Inclusions and exclusions tend to be arbitrary, personal and happenstance, and don’t show whether I agree or disagree with something. They are also largely based on ignorance of what’s out there, so suggestions would be welcome—links don’t have to be traditionalist, correct or anything else as long as I think they illuminate the issues.

  1. Grand philosophical issues:
    • Fides et Ratio. Sensible comments on the relation between faith and reason.
    • Veritatis Splendor. More useful comments, in this case on erroneous tendencies in moral philosophy. I have some comments on the encyclical.
    • Pascal’s Pensees. Why the Christian religion is still unavoidable.
    • J. H. Newman knew as much about tradition as anyone. For a discussion of how to find the absolute in the personal and the historical, see Grammar of Assent and Development of Doctrine.
    • For a more radical appeal to tradition and authority, consider Joseph de Maistre.
    • Fisheaters is a comprehensive site for those interested in traditional Catholicism,
    • New Advent Catholic Resources. Includes the Summa Theologica, the pre-Vatican II Catholic Encyclopedia, translations of the Church Fathers, and much more.
    • Catholic Encyclopedia (1913): Traditionalism. Traditionalism can’t be the ultimate standard. If it is, the result is a sort of fideism. Or such is the point of the article.
  2. Why emphasis on tradition is good:
  3. The Traditional Latin Mass:
  4. Traditionalists and conservatives compared and contrasted:
  5. The Church and the modern polity
  6. Difficulties of maintaining orthodoxy in the ecumenical post-Vatican II open-to-the-world servant church:
  7. The Social Reign of Christ the King
  8. Other:
    • Wikipedia has a useful article on Traditional Catholics. (If there’s something wrong with it you can correct it.)
    • Catholic Culture (formerly Lots of materials about lots of things, including reviews of other sites.
    • The Roman Theological Forum. They discuss contemporary questions of theology and philosophy, beginning from a Thomist point of view, and promotes a neo-Patristic approach to the interpretation of Sacred Scripture.
    • The Roman Forum. Founded by Dietrich von Hildebrand, and dedicated to the broad defense of Catholic doctrine and Catholic culture. The site includes online books and newsletters.
    • The Remnant Newspaper. Includes links to news and partial archives.
    • Recommended reading from Catholic restorationist bloggers.
    • Christian Order. A monthly largely dealing with the problem of modernism in British Catholicism..
    • Wanderer Forum Foundation Publications. Includes some useful online texts, generally more from a conservative than specifically traditionalist point of view. (Scroll down the page.)
    • Angelus, an SSPX publication, has extensive online archives.
    • What’s Wrong with the World, by G. K. Chesterton. Also see the G. K. Chesterton Page, with links to etexts of many of his other works, and the Online Books Page for Hilaire Belloc, the other half of Chesterbelloc. In particular see Hilaire Belloc’s Survivals and New Arrivals, a general account of past, present and future threats to Catholic Christianity.
    • Distributist Review. A journal analyzing current events through the theoretical and practical socio-economic theory of Distributism. Not explicitly Catholic, but certainly relevant to a Catholic social order.
    • Wandea—pro Fide, Rege, et Lege. A Polish sedevacantist site with many writings in English, including some by Rev. Rama Coomaraswamy. (As stated, listing does not imply agreement.)
    • The alt.revolution.counter Resource Lists compile a very great variety of materials on various strands of right-wing thought from the alt.revolution.counter newsgroup that include some Catholic traditionalist materials.