The current human rights movement proposes a comprehensive system of social morality. That system demands forcible action to promote universal equality and guarantee the well-being of everyone in the world. Universal empire is therefore its natural organizational form, and opposition to empire, in the name of limited government and particularism, is opposition to what now pass for human rights.
- Sam Francis on New World Order vs. National Freedom. Comments on the political realities behind the world movement against racism and so on.
- Libertarians who promote a broad coalition of anti-imperialist forces.
- Orthodox Anti-Globalist Resource Center. “Dedicated to the struggle of the peoples of the Orthodox Christian world against the totalitarian New World Order.”
- Sovereignty International, Inc. An American group that monitors the UN and emphasizes local popular sovereignty.
- Americans Against World Empire. “A conservative/libertarian coalition opposed to military imperialism and particutlarly the blockading and bombing of nations who have done us no harm.”
- The Rockford Institute Center for International Affairs. Resistance to “neo-Wilsonian One-World globalism” and “neoconservative hegemonist interventionism.”
- Paul Treanor on World-nationalism: normative globalism as pan-nationalism. Against world government.